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Everything posted by anhel00

  1. im not mad at all i didnt even start to play there. u should just count the sides: 4pt slco 4pt black logo and 1party from gym team. those are the pvpers. that means 9party at all. all in all it will die in next 1week im 90% sure if not in next 2week which is pretty bad compared to old renewals. We have to realize sawk opened it for money at all. He made some changes "from polls" as he said however most ppl voted to retail like craft system n stuff he still sticked to this sh1t farm system. All in all im not mad, i just know how it will end. ps: why should i be mad if im not even playin? :not bad:
  2. still dead nothin to do after u've farmed that x amoungt of raids.
  3. pretty nice server!
  4. i'll complete my job. but the advertisement's way is kinda complex which is not only advertising by stream.
  5. for example if i would search for a low rate and i see a tittle: RPG 5x not gonna enter the guy's channel who streaming from rpg i'll directly visit the webpage of the server. understand?
  6. i dont understand your last post
  7. i've just started to stream. also if i see a nice picture on the stream i'd check the webpage from the streamer's name w/o opening it. also i've an other stream acc with another 300~ viewer but i changed to my main.
  8. its hard son
  9. http://www.l2gang.com/forum/index.php?/topic/408-high-five-skills/&do=findComment&comment=2761 new poll has been added! check and vote!
  10. less then one week left. will be pretty nice
  11. Hey friends and foes! As tittle says i'll help you to advertise your server via streaming. Your job: - create a picture in 1024*768 or 1366*768 with your server's features. - pay the price which will be listed below. - follow this: http://www.twitch.tv/anhelpwnz Prices: - 2day ( 2*24h none stop) : 20euro - 4day (2*24h will be 1 day delay btw the periods): 35euro - 7day (2*24h + 1x 24h) : 75euro (price is because of the amount of time) If you check my posts you can see i've sold some chars and stuff via mxc and every of them was delivered w/o problems! You can contact me via: Borka.bence.89@gmail.com twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/anhelpwnz followers are growing from the l2community
  12. Well last time it died cause of mistaken in features. Now it not going to happen. If im informed well Area will be changed, the machine can handle more than 200 however u've mentioned that. The delay was mybe because of DDoS attack which happens every time after Gang wipe ( Godfather solving the problem every time ). About improvements... In my opinion 2new gm means improvement, new event took place in last gang, new test system etc etc. All in all thx for best wishes. Hi. First of all you are right in some part. I mean people prefer close to retail or retail-like server thats true. On the other hand Gang never used fake online that means 500+ were the online every time when gang starts. Also gang is not that insta server like other pvp servers. You have to farm up, you have to keep farming to keep ur position if you goin for hero. Also the main money usualy from Giants Codex, which can be obtained from oly. That means oly is full of life every time, also pvp weapons is hard to reach so pretty balanced system at all.
  13. Hey friends and foes! Im happy that i can announce that my "all time" favourite server will be wiped and re-opened. The features will be the following: (Basic features are the same but new changes will be implented ) 1000x Rates +3 Safe Enchant +10 Max Enchant 33% Enchant Rates 24+4 Buff Slots 12 Song&Dance Slots TvT Every Hour Hero Every Week 3 Hours Olympiad every day Highly secured server. Experienced Team. Stable. No lag. Custom Economy. Custom Playground. Custom Events. "NPC Buffers" & "GM Shops" Buff time 4 hours. All Grandboss Level 85, spawn 1 Week Weekly sieges with decreased fame Weekly TWs with decreased fame Costume farming area, mobs More features comming soon, stay tunned! Some other infos for the old and new players: Start date: not deceided yet, but before december! web: http://www.l2gang.com forum: http://www.l2gang.com/forum facebook: https://www.facebook.com/L2Gang?fref=ts Skype: l2gang
  14. read forum and u'll know infos.
  15. probably u wasnt able to logg with walker :< sad 300-400 ppl online and think its still growing. pretty nice server
  16. bella ur so childish for real. even tho if u lost money a mature ppl in real life do not act like you. oh w8 i forget ur a trash bulgarian or something :<
  18. good. i've been w8ing long time to a good substack!
  19. na i'll be there probably not at friday but i'll try it. i just mentioned that this topic compared to some other topics look way shitty even tho if its more serious project. and also write SUBSTACK to the tittle so ppl gonna know it
  20. i think you should rework the topic this is not seems like a serious project's topic.
  21. i know the guy from another acc. he is trusted.
  22. u cant even fraps wonder ur development skills...
  23. good gms? u still belive in fairy tales?
  24. sadly genocide raped every clan till h5 came out ( when cj2k left leadingship) so there is reason to mention em :)
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