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Everything posted by GoodT

  1. Server work +/- 3 years ;).. and will be work a long time ....
  2. See forum rules, why you dont edit your old post?? :D
  3. If you want i can give you housting with subdomain or domain housting ;)... more info pm me
  4. GeoSky - double post... to this restriction i can say this: "its usefull and why? when you set this to dp side bonus as p.def, m.def stay with bow ;)"...
  5. Builded pack its shared for free ;)...
  6. No more spam guys... and isnt old pack its new but without custom... need only some fixes and will be ok
  7. Only 100% retard are you, go cry to mother :D... pack is crep... your karma say alll... dont buy this sh*t. :)
  8. you are only scammer + google master... everyone can scam and add some free customs :D
  9. Can you add some olympiad restrition to stantart license? As olympiad time, count of players for class and non-class, restricted items, enchant for olympiad... ;)
  10. waw.. this i never wait... i am big surprised
  11. hm... how will be scammer VIP member of this forum?? and who buy this pack and can give feedback?
  12. Multibox... post fixed....
  13. So, lame pack... you see it search it something on net you sell it :D.... its crap...
  14. your knowledge its so low... i like this stupid guys with 27 post... when you dont know how, dont say its impossible :D...
  15. Partymatching for IL isnt shared, if yes post link ;)... Events are full reworked and fixed. And some fixes is share but no all ;) etc. new serk tools...
  16. One of it for example... or something other...
  17. Wts development services for Interlude... Payment option: PayPal 1. Partymatching for IL 2. TvT, DM, VIP, CTF event 3. Security fixes (L2jKiller, DDos-protect...) 4. other request code/feature Prize: 10 eur for 1 thing contact: pm me on mxc forum
  18. General Informations : website: www.lineage2.cz registration: http://acc.elmoreden.net/index.php?lng=EN Dualbox: Allowed+OfflineShop * Full Interlude OFF Server Supported * Rate : ~XP : 50x * Fully working Interlude skills * Fully retail like skills * Fully working clan system (Academy/Sub units/Clan Skills/Reputation Points) * Debuff bar working. * +6 Enchanted set effects * Offline shopping system * Dynasty/Dragon Armors and weapons * Custom starting zone * Friendly donate system (Paypal...) * No deleveling bug * Bugless geodata * Active staff * Most of the teleport spawn are safe * Castle benefits system * Item reuse system (prevents item reuse reset after relogging) * Skill reuse system (prevents skill reuse reset after relogging) * Custom client/server side protection system checking client version and preventing multiboxing and hacking Quests : * Quest for 1st, 2nd and 3rd class - on 1 click with custom NPC * Subclass on click * Nobless with quest * Interlude quest slots * For the rest of the quest you have to do it yourself Olympiad Informations : * Interlude OFF Olympiad system * The olympiad period is 2 weeks * Olympiad is from 20:00 to 00:00 GMT+1 everyday * You need 9 match and 1 wins to be eligible to hero * The reuse of the skill is reseted after each olympiad match so you are abble to sign in again instantly and not wait for 1 hours for the skill reuse like on the others server * You can check the hero and olympiad period Buffs Informations : * AntiBuff skill * 24 Buff and 10 additional debuff slots * All buff’s are with retail duration * Custom buffer * 1 hours normal buff * 1 hours dances and song * 20 min. hours prophecies, 20 mins COV * 20 min. Cat & Unicorn buff Farming Informations : * Over 12 bosses with customised drops * Custom farming system : Check our library for more informations * Custom ecomic system : Check our library for more informations * Custom Farming zone in Stakato Nest
  19. gj, very interesting idea... i will test it...
  20. good idea, but only spam db... i think better was log file...
  21. Contact: MSN: xmanton@live.se
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