GeoSky - double post... to this restriction i can say this: "its usefull and why? when you set this to dp side bonus as p.def, m.def stay with bow ;)"...
Can you add some olympiad restrition to stantart license? As olympiad time, count of players for class and non-class, restricted items, enchant for olympiad... ;)
Partymatching for IL isnt shared, if yes post link ;)... Events are full reworked and fixed. And some fixes is share but no all ;) etc. new serk tools...
Wts development services for Interlude...
Payment option: PayPal
1. Partymatching for IL
2. TvT, DM, VIP, CTF event
3. Security fixes (L2jKiller, DDos-protect...)
4. other request code/feature
Prize: 10 eur for 1 thing
contact: pm me on mxc forum
General Informations :
Dualbox: Allowed+OfflineShop
* Full Interlude OFF Server Supported
* Rate : ~XP : 50x
* Fully working Interlude skills
* Fully retail like skills
* Fully working clan system (Academy/Sub units/Clan Skills/Reputation Points)
* Debuff bar working.
* +6 Enchanted set effects
* Offline shopping system
* Dynasty/Dragon Armors and weapons
* Custom starting zone
* Friendly donate system (Paypal...)
* No deleveling bug
* Bugless geodata
* Active staff
* Most of the teleport spawn are safe
* Castle benefits system
* Item reuse system (prevents item reuse reset after relogging)
* Skill reuse system (prevents skill reuse reset after relogging)
* Custom client/server side protection system checking client version and preventing multiboxing and hacking
Quests :
* Quest for 1st, 2nd and 3rd class - on 1 click with custom NPC
* Subclass on click
* Nobless with quest
* Interlude quest slots
* For the rest of the quest you have to do it yourself
Olympiad Informations :
* Interlude OFF Olympiad system
* The olympiad period is 2 weeks
* Olympiad is from 20:00 to 00:00 GMT+1 everyday
* You need 9 match and 1 wins to be eligible to hero
* The reuse of the skill is reseted after each olympiad match so you are abble to sign in again instantly and not wait for 1 hours for the skill reuse like on the others server
* You can check the hero and olympiad period
Buffs Informations :
* AntiBuff skill
* 24 Buff and 10 additional debuff slots
* All buff’s are with retail duration
* Custom buffer
* 1 hours normal buff
* 1 hours dances and song
* 20 min. hours prophecies, 20 mins COV
* 20 min. Cat & Unicorn buff
Farming Informations :
* Over 12 bosses with customised drops
* Custom farming system : Check our library for more informations
* Custom ecomic system : Check our library for more informations
* Custom Farming zone in Stakato Nest