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Everything posted by Epimetheus

  1. When i wrote it , i was in hurry xd
  2. I saw it 100 times in a row ONLY REAL MEN CAN WATCH THIS
  3. [gr] Εγώ μια χαρά κρίνω εσύ δεν δέχεσαι τις κριτικές , και μονοτονία εννοώ στα εφέ , είμαι σίγουρος διάβασες μερικά guides και απλός σταμάτησες να διαβάζεις guides/tuts γιατί απλός δεν βλέπω απολύτος τίποτα καινούργιο [/gr] [en] end of this conv here. to avoid bad attitude from both of us [/en]
  4. [gr] γράψε ελληνικά γιατί τα αγγλικά σου δεν τα καταλαβαίνω , και έχεις κάνει πολύ καλύτερα sigs και βελτιώσει από προηγούμενα δεν βλέπω αλλά μια μονοτονία στο στύλ
  5. you propably didn't understand what i wanted to say bg; http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=247927.0 again; http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=241174.0 i won't keep searching for more sigs with this repetive effect.
  6. i think render should be bigger, also he doesnt fit with the bg , and one more thing i don't want to be aggresive but again this fucking abstract in the background? Update your abstract folder almost daily so you will avoid making the same and the same effects on signatures. the idea isn't bad tho.
  7. you earn 200 credits in 10 minutes , althought cause of limited videos then you have to wait 5 hours to watch again 200 videos to get more 200 credits .
  8. It's great for views , 1 credit = 1 view althought usually i get 6-7 views per credit they always overdeliver but the bad thing is that you can earn only like 400 credits per day atm :| only 2.000 users Registered it was made 1 month ago found it on Fileice forums, i can guarantee it's working fluently and without problem :) , It's perfect for those who want to promote their PPD yt videos :) http://www.shareyoutubevideos.com/ -cons No refferal system Limited credits You can't earn likes,comments unless you donate. -pros Views delivered within hours easy to earn credits always overdelivers.
  9. Δεν είμαι το πουτανάκι κανενός και καμίας ,είμαι ελεύθερο πουλί , είμαι μια ιδέα :) αλλού αυτά μικρέ
  10. γιατί πρέπει να αναφέρεις το Όνομα μου -.-
  11. propably ddos from shitcash they've done it to fileice and fileflare too. they're doing peridiocly so users again move to shitcash.
  12. kane me add skype na s e3igisw . Stathinio15
  13. hey guyz
  14. i think her hair have should be out too anyway , it's simple but nice :)
  15. Pretty decent guy but kinda slow , don't worry about your accounts tho
  16. Romeo 2;15
  17. I like it :) , althought the effects looks kinda low quality don't know why . and fix the borders up and down , overall it's nice althought i'm not fan of big arts. and one more thing i forgot to say you've used the same abstract in the bg like 8-9 times :p
  18. i've made a try i think it's decent
  19. DAMN AGAIN IN TOP 10 D: Rank User Money earned (today) 1 Zx1 $70.8 2 [Censored] $58.66 3 KarenZe1 $27.64 4 [Censored] $17.8 5 ueki1994 $15.78 6 [Censored] $14.59 7 Cta8akhc $8.09 <--- mE 8 CTLebert $7.65 9 Kabooms31 $7.65 10 Boorish $5.8
  20. This ppd is so fucking weird one day i have 1$ and then 7 or even 15$ lol Earnings Today: $7.57 Earnings Yesterday: $1.54
  21. Can i ask what's RDP'S ? It's something like vpn or something?
  22. Epimetheus

    the hell

    i think you're just mad
  23. funny.
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