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Everything posted by The-LeGenD

  1. all0z guys.. i am looking for a server to play.. features i need... gracia final or interlude.. high rate 5000 or more enchant safe/max or high rate i mean 80% or more people ingame some customs but if it hasnt i am ok tnx in advance!
  2. Oups! i am sorry for the wrong section but i dont know where is the right... so can you answer me where i can download it? also you say about tag? what you mean? tnx!
  3. Hello Mxc! can someone help me? i need a link to download for free the CSS 2009 please answer me !
  4. Aplo na to kaneis omws polu xrhsimo.. bravo rozdex ;) sunexise na post xrisima pragmata pou einai apla sto na ta kaneis opou alloi nomizoun oti einai duskola ;)
  5. Hello everybody can somebody tell me what is a 1bit time delay in the token ring???? :-\ tnx in advance Mxc ;D
  6. Tha simfonisw me ton Rozdex! Alla tespa filos prepei na deis to html tou npc "sti periptwsi sou tou gm-shop" meta na pas data html merchant na breis to html tou npc meta na to kaneis epeksergasia wste an breis to multisell tou meta pas sto fordel mulltisell kai meta na to "peirakseis" alla prepei na ksereis kai ta id tou kathe item p thes na alakseis !
  7. [ENG] Yeah! :) so we wait for updates! [GR] Wraia :) ante na exoume updates ;D ;D ;D
  8. To proseksa kai egw auto Rozdex! Opote nomizw einai anofelo na kanei kapoios download auti ti buffer afou mesa se 2 xronia "LOL" exoun ginei kalutera Upload :) Anyway.. ;D
  9. Tnx gia to help.. :) alla grafe pio "balanced" greeklish xD einai san na diabazw "rabasaki" apo trendy gomena xD anyway tnx :)
  10. opws blepeis o user einai banned! gia tin erwtisi sou yparxei i apantisi pl eukola :D Shift+Click panw sto Npc Kai Des Id.. Meta Sto game server data html pirakse oti thes opws k ta multisell :)
  11. i prospathia pote dn blaptei.. :) mia xara file m i Gk sou :)
  12. good job mate :) i was searching for dynasty armors and valakas wings to work in my pack for a long time and now i find it... tnx keep sharing... ;D
  13. ok paidia to brika ;D euxaristw polu gia tin boithia sas :) {EDIT} Enas Mod na lock to topic to problima mou lithike... request gia lock na min exoume SPAM!
  14. paidia allo eno0w.. thelw na mathw!!! ekana backup tou server m apo navicat.. apla dn kserw pou apothikeuete wste na mporw na to anebasw px sto 4share i na to balw se ena cd kai etc auto thelw na m pei kapoios....
  15. All0z Mxc! :) Sas parakalw mporei kapoios na mou pei pou apothikeuete to backup apo to navicat otan to kanw? gt ekana back up kai dn mporw na brw pou apothikeutike mporei kapoios na me help plz?
  16. Na file mou to kserw pote anoigw port (dld gia pio logo) eixa server se delicated apla tr thelw na anoiksw local gia na ftiaksw prwta to pack to new opws thelw kai meta na to metaferw sto delicated anyway euxaristw pl paidia gia t boithia sas :)
  17. Otenet eimai file mou.. :/ apla oi perissoteroi ta open apo sites tespa an dn giente kt alla tha parw thl tin OTE na dw ti tha paixtei :P Anyway Tnx
  18. Yep! :) Its perfect guide... keep sharing and make this forum the best :D
  19. All0z Mxc thelw na anoiksw ta port sto router m wste na kanw ena pack local k meta na to anebasw sto delicated apla epsaksa sto port forward kai dn brika pws na open ta port mou sto router mou exw to ( SAGGEM FAST800) Tha mporouse kapoios na me boithisei plz? Tha to ektimousa para polu....
  20. Kalispera Mxc :) Thelw na mou peite tin gnwmi sas se poio pack tha xrisimopoiousate eseis ap auta ta duo: Exw l2j TEON kai l2 Official! ::) Mporeite na mou protinete pio einai kalutero apo ta duo? (dn einai preconfigured KANENA apo ta duo) Thelw na mou peite pio mou protinete kai gia pion logo Please! ;) [EDIT] Chronicle Interlude C6! Sorry "Commodus" Ksexasa na to grapsw :P
  21. guys interlude einai to psaxnw sta altsettings alla dn briskw tpt.. m exei seting gia clan ... skils..manor kai teotia.. sas parakalw mporeite na ginete lg pio siggegrimenoi? [EDIT] Ok paidia to brika sto Others.properties sas euxaristw pl :) A Mov Close Topic gia na min exoume spam to problem mou luthike!
  22. Well hello MaxCheaters...! psaxnw tropo gia to pws tha klisw to community...dld otan patane oi players ALT+B nai min exei community...yparxei kapoios tropos na to klisw? an nai sas parakalw dwste mou to path!
  23. file mou sto config tou server exeis balei enable wedding: True? AN nai tote dn kserw ti problem exesi :P
  24. kserw java apal dn kserw ti tha piraksw.. mporeis na mou to stileis? kai tha to perasw dn exw preconfigured pack an einai k tpt sto core mporw na to piraksw apla pes m pou einai i diadromi pou prepei na to perasw! tnx
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