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Everything posted by Tatiana

  1. Ihave same problem after use for cp pot in gracia final l2off for 1 year now start same error my card is GTX 8500 omg now i ned put cp in pvp i don't know it kkk for years i use autocombat poind = dont work in final and leater sniff now sniff brok :( help please obs: bad bad englesh sorry
  2. am no see you topic but i need it for destryed funck l2 serve i play macke 100 post plx i need it reasly for kill noob gm tancks case not possible tancks and np s sorry bad englesh obs: it not spam ok see my historic am not make spam in topcs for it i just have 121
  3. nice am don't ubnderstand sorry bad englesh just tell me i up skil and make buf in my char again enchat skil and make buf in my char is it needd more detalhs plx make video
  4. work but grt kick in 1 sec:(
  5. lol am confusad i leav topic lols am use drugs or i dont see script? XD cya guys am have a very nice drincks i no see script lols
  6. Lol script is for phx multi linguage ? and 800 post nice ahhh i need hackied maxcheaters XDXDXD plx givme in pm for i tri in all brs server :) case not possible it is not spam is only try ask to help ok :) tancks guys !
  8. Use filedit and see in you l2.ini no.ip.bleblabla .nes u start and execute cmd , and make comand pimg ip have n you system after it u see realy ip this server sorry bag englesh []s
  9. 98% servers fix it and in ss i see only life man ? u lose cp lol good is :
  10. omg i don't understand ... make a video please
  11. work or not ? tell me ? am have confusion ppl tell work orther tell not work , realy work?
  12. Lol 250 post ! I have an easier solution, I do not know where I post!!!!! I use (l2encdec_292 )extract in your (system folder) and start to: start> cmd> using command> "cd go to your system folder (EX:> cd D: \ Lineage II \ system) remember to delete the dll (nophx.dll) before !!!!!! Next use command>> cd "partition" (EX:> cd D: or> cd C:) using next command only partition (EX:> C:> or D:) finally use command "patcher.exe -f " does not use quotes that make the exe patch that you extracted in your system folder and finish work so expect to use (l2disablenc_ct2pt2) <it be l2.exe> <you draw in your system folder> I have no problem until today in most servers and I was always to seek to phx function XDXDXD with this work I have no problem NOTE: If I make mistake to post this session please delete or remove to correct sxessão sorry bad english []. s all files used be found at: http://mfyyre.narod.ru/ Edit: work in ct2 and omg i not see post for no have 250 post , is same work ?: sorry /delet if I mistake
  13. I need it and 120 post for see no spam ... tancks
  14. tancks work realy
  15. am need see it but no post for... :( pm plx
  16. it is for? omg guys us have free time ok? lol am not need it and in phx is easy just send say2 end execut packet lols
  17. my server no have lag >.<
  18. good work and make dowmload fast :)
  19. Vc e foda trabalha bem a hora que tiver um tempo me manda pm para me ajudar []s englesh:you are perfect and work very well congratulations
  20. dont work in my server:( adit ah i try in char no clan i try in char in clan w8 edit:dont work get msg no is possible delet char in clan and retur in game have bufs and skil in dealy :(
  21. tancks but i don't see topic
  22. ilog on but not see npc,s monsters ,etc.. canot move too and no see maps ppl know fix it for help me? am enjoy in ogg and l2 net but i move only in l2net all in l2net ogg stopad .... tancks :) pic here look am move amnd ask in chat only from l2net http://www.zshare.net/image/617055706009128c/ http://www.zshare.net/image/617054727309d86d surry bad englesh
  23. Simple delet nophx.dll and make step 1,2,3, this topic http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=40989.0
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