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  1. euxaristw aderfia gia tis xrhsime plhrofories tha tis akolouthisw:D:Dsry p evala edw to post dn iksera oti eprepe na mpei sto general discusion
  2. eksartatai kai stn srv p paizeis alla ama ksereis tyrant dn pefteis me tpt \ +fwnw file
  3. ama ksereis na paizeis me sps koveis kwlous SPS 4 life
  4. Egw epaiza ston gold ton c4 kai pragmatika gamage trela oloi ixe balanced kai mporeis na nikiseis me opoiondhpote chat ton opoiondhpote.Kapoies fores exwna me normal items akoma kai autous p eixa apelles (tote p epaiza dn eixe dynasty) s proteinw auton kalutera alla kai o interlude prepei na einai p kalos
  5. panta me TH epaiza opote vote for TH ;)
  6. egw panta me adve epaiza opote adve FTW :P
  7. wraios man se c4 o titan me bow kai frenzy tous exei olous 1-2 hit
  8. omws b grade wep???otan tha prepei na varas apla hit mexri na gemisoun ta blows ti dmg tha skas?vevaia auto eksartatai kai apo tn srv dld poso atk.spd tha exc me ta buffs
  9. xaxa auto akrivws ta ekshgei ola :P
  10. egw epaiza gold tote p gamage prin 1-2 xronia dld peripou apo tote to pl pl se kana x10000 gia na perasei h wra
  11. SPS re trelo c.spd kai skaei suxna mc...vevaia eksartatai kai apo tn srv alla kai kata poso kses na paizeis me kathe enan apo tous 2 char
  12. o destro mono se 1v1 enw o paladin mprei na xwsei kai perissoterous so vote for pala :P
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