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Everything posted by fazer600

  1. Make a dwarf :P
  2. gia dose mas kana link gia ton eglobal (oxi ton l2crazy)
  3. tsekare kapion c4 server, tha dinoun link ekei stadar :)
  4. dark avenger ftw :)
  5. Afto mporeis na to grapseis kai sto greek section tou forum ston idio ton server, tha boithisei sihgoura pollous :)
  6. e-global c3
  7. 1000 atoma me sferes isos , kanonika exei 500 - 300 bot (ta dances kai ta songs kratane 20 min) e kammia 200aria atoma einai online pistevo :P
  8. afto akougete apo tin imera pou ekleise o server, paramithia...!!!
  9. In x4000 server you are looking for bugs ?
  10. Den doulevei :(
  11. Fix the colors a little plz, this is too dark and tired for the eyes...
  12. O demonas fenete kanonika sto team tou saphire opote den nomizw na efige http://www.la2crazy.com/index.php?p=crazy_cool
  13. c4 eglobal prin ginei telios tsiro-server
  14. Ty for the infos m8, excellent job :)
  15. An paizeis se c4 server tote to maximum bid einai 999.999.999 adena
  16. Ela de pou aftoi pou paratane to server kai rixnoun items kato apla dinoun mono ta coor ...isos na to kanoun gia na min mporesei kaneis pote na ta parei i aplos den rixnoun tpt kai apla kanoun ena shout gia plaka gia na taleporisoun tous noobades san ki emas :/ Ty pantos paides :)
  17. Geia xara paidia tha ithel na rotiso pos briskoume mesa ston xarti tou lineage tis coordinates enos simeiou. An patisoume tin entoli "/loc" tha mas bgalei tin diki mas location kai oxi tou item pou theloume na broume. Gia na sas doso ena aplo paradeigma tis aporias pou exo as poume p.x. oti enas pou parataei to game rixnei ena kalo s item kato kai meta grafei sto hero voice "item drop in 98098,-678999, 999932", pos mporoume na broume tin thesi tou antikeimenou aftou? An xerei kaneis parakalo as boithisei. Efxaristo :)
  18. Nai gi'afto rotaw poso einai to maximum bid sto interlude oste na kanoume to mamimum bid protoi emeis, an bebea telika mas pei kaneis poso einai afto...
  19. Kaneis?
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