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Everything posted by charliedvm

  1. Hi again people... i have your help again... im trying to put a good GMShop but its don't work good... someone can give a link where i can download a good GK Global, Npc to Change Class (Like Cat of L2J) and a good GM Shop or Individuals Shops in MultiSell or AI.obj? Thank & Regards...
  2. THANK YOU MAN!!!... u are awesome... i make a new skill_pch.txt and its work fine :D!!! thank you so much ^^
  3. are u sure?... coz it happend ingame when i type //setskill 8000 and it say "unregistered skill" i think is something else... i have a screenshot here:
  4. Ok, i found one Npc Buffer/Dancer/Song and i put all right... but now when i go in game and try to put //setskill 8000 it give me a announce "unregistered skill" is like the skill isn't added already i have making something wrong? i don't know :S
  5. Yep... i try these... but only have a Npc with Prophet/Shillien Elder/Elven Elder Buffs... don't Dance & Songs =X
  6. coz it is l2off... Dance & Song are buff in party... so to put in a Npc Buffer, i need make a copy of the actually Dance & Song and configure to don't need party and put in a Npc Buffer or u know another way?... im newbie with L2Off so it's so much hard to me make that :(
  7. i search but i only find 2 npc buffer... and don't have dance & songs...
  8. Hi guys, good day, someone can tell me how to make a Npc Buff, Dance & Song? or give me it done once? Thx & Regards x)
  9. someone can see if it have virus or not? and if it work? -.-'
  10. but it is for IG Walker... i want for OOG :D... Anyway Thank you :D
  11. Hi guys... someone can tell me how evade a Bake Ice Loader in a L2Off Interlude Server?... Thx & Regards
  12. Hi guys, 4 days ago i start a server L2JTeon Rev. 600 (i updated it some things so i don't know what rev it is now haha... but i start with Rev. 600)... so now some players are disconnected after 10 sec - 5 min when they log but suddenly and they need log again and they are disconected again and so on and can't play like that :S if someone can help me with this please... thanks & regards
  13. I guys... someone can tell me if know a bug to make the clan lvl 8 or make reputation with a bug? without killing raid boss or making characters... i see a clan called MostWanted in L2Forever (L2Off) that use a bug like that... it don't have any character in academy and was the first day of the server and they have the clan lvl 8 without making donation (i was a member of that clan)... i want that bug and work in a L2J... someone can help me? x) Thx & Regards...
  14. Hi guys... can someone tell me what is the max to bid for a clan hall in the auctioner in a L2Off Interlude (www.l2sensation.com) Thank & regards x)
  15. Hi people... yesterday i use l2walker oog 10.9.8h normally without any problem... and today when i try log in this happend: someone can tell me why this happend? and how i can solve this?...
  16. it is freya... and i try put the official europan/north america systemmsg in the system of the russian official and it give me critical error =/
  17. Hi Guys... someone can help me to translate a systemmsg of russian official servers to english language? coz i don't understand anything hahahaha here is the systemmsg: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=79OK1E20 :D Thx and regards :p
  18. I think this is a disadvantage to duelists >_<
  19. Hi guys... i need ur help again xD... someone can tell me which is the protocol of Freya and Gracia Epilogue? Thx and regards :D
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