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About rokismoki

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  1. As mentioned in the tittle, im looking for BlackWatch antibot bypass, if there is any known one ? I would apreciate any help.
  2. I'm getting l2.exe file size error, do you know a solution ?
  3. Im lookin for l2walker for c4, i don't know the exact version i need. i would also apreciate if u add me l2asvr(or however the program u need with it is named). If there are any other working bots for c4 working(not autoclickers and shits) i would apriciate those as well. thank you in advance
  4. @xdem, so basicly u leave the bot to farm and write down the item ID's, and later, when u want to check who the items went to, you just do those SQL sentences ? Anyway, so even materials, adena have it's own object ID on every player and can be traced that way ? It feels weird coz they add up, for example if u trade 500 coal from char "A" to char "B", the items add up in the inventory to the previus 200 u had(for example), so now u have 700. If your method is 100% sucessfull, every single coal should have its own ID wouldn't it ?
  5. Im playin on interlude, so there are no mail trades. I am talking about normal trades...Do u know if warehouse deposits, buy(private store) and vendor(private store) are traceable ?
  6. So basicly there is no way of me hiding the trace from my bot to my main ? EDIT: Could you show me a log of a trade,vendor,buy and warehouse please ? And, are theese logs for 1 char, or for the whole server in 1 file ?
  7. Tittle is the question i would like to answer as theraly as possible. 1. Tracking the trades from your bot to your main(materials,adena,...) ~My way of tryin to prevent this is depositing in cwh, withdrawing with clan leader and /vendor -ing to my main 2.Checking the IP of your bot and comparing it to other players online ~If u're loged at the same time with main and bot, that's how they do it i guess. Are there any logs, which save the IPs a char was logged in with ? Is there a way he could track the materials to my main if i use the procotion from quiestion 1. ?
  8. He's OP, hope they nerf him
  9. original ftw
  10. Found some cool ones, but making them on my own is better :)
  11. I'd say interlude all the way
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