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Everything posted by HolySmoke

  1. I mean his real name, something like brzowzski etc.Dunno if it's fake =O
  2. google his name too, a lot of pics will appear :O
  3. Jackson.Fender is only good for begginers and it isn't something really special. I got a jackson dinky hot rod flames and I can say it's just perfect. Ermm, ok it was a bit expensive, but it is worthy. PS:Chandy got a jackson too :P PS2:Yamaha sucks ass imo.
  4. If it was mid rate, ok. But low rate c4, no way. Will u open another one too?lol l2mxc succeeded, don't let it die.You don't need to create another one. Thumbs down.
  5. Hax0r send me your msn in pm plx
  6. re ili8ie ma8e na diabaseis tn istoselida. prwo8ei apla tn l2mxc. diabase ligo. "L2moonlight closed..." eleos pia.
  7. apla malon o dizzan einai friend me tn maxtor kai tn prow8ei, kati tetio..
  8. enas server autounou p eixe ton l2extreme, full sto corruption.ti allo 8es? :>
  9. HolySmoke


    programming is a part of web sections.(HTML)
  10. HolySmoke


    So let's change the name again :> MaxBastards ftw =D
  11. HolySmoke


    More people will come to the forum, if they see more sections, except gaming ones, like programming,web designing and tools and other things like that.There are many guys ready to share their things.
  12. HolySmoke


    MaxHackers is dead, lmao.
  13. I found out who the dev is. :O According to the pics, it's too easy to understand. :>
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