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Tessellate last won the day on September 23 2013

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About Tessellate

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  1. And how and where does one noob alter these values in the files? Thanks btw.
  2. Does anyone know the name of the program/interface you use to see the health of epics on Essence (Crusader patch)? It is about the new L2Reborn Essence server. If anyone can help me would be greatly appreciated **did not know where to post**
  3. Does anyone know the name of the program/interface you use to see the health of epics on Essence (Crusader patch)? It is about the new L2Reborn Essence server. If anyone can help me would be greatly appreciated
  4. @Vision @Celestine @Trance @HyperBlown could someone transfer it to the private server section since we are opening in less then 24h? Tomorrow (10-12-2021) 17:00 CET the server will open!!
  5. 5 days until LIVE
  6. 9 days before opening! LETS GOOO!!!
  7. its still free advertisement for usable items take what you can.
  8. download the updater from the website and let it run in an empty folder. thats the best way to avoid any complications. https://www.dragon-network.net/download i believe the beta will run for like 2 more weeks. not sure about this.
  9. come test out in the beta while its still up opening in less then 3 weeks.
  10. actually fucking excited! the skill changes look awesome!
  11. he still is.
  12. got cancelled. this is the new project
  13. was fun while it lasted. probely until next server :D
  14. Changelog 2021-01-11 Stage [3] - currently active on server since 01/11/2021: Max Level extended to 80(Main)|80(Retail Sub)|85(pets). grade items are back in game Epics are scaled to Lv. 80 Enabled back quests: Gather the Flames; Relics of the Old Empire; Delivery of Special Liquor; Egg Delivery; The Finest Food; The Finest Ingredients; Alliance with the Ketra Orcs; Alliance with Varka Silenos Starter Pack is upgraded to C-grade. Newbie buffer is updated to Stage [3]. If you have Buffcard you can have newbie buffs up to Lv80! Scaled S-Grade 2 handed mage weapon to Gracia Final Stat. Infinity Scepter is limited to 200M.atk instead of 249(GF). Tallum*DLE is available for craft at mammon. New skill Chant of Protection is available from Lv79. Frintezza will be disabled by this week. ETA: Next week Tuesday/Thursday as intended. More updates coming, also new Drop-Spoil patch will be released tomorrow.
  15. still going strong. ~1k daily online.
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