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Everything posted by Reela

  1. Wts adena at Giran NA Classic server. Current stock: 500k+ you can check my history im trusted, and have done a lot of deals. accepting payment via PayPal. for more info add me on skype: ivstavrev (j) or pm me here. if i don't respond on Skype in a couple of hours, give me a call because sometimes messages don't go through.
  2. WTS Adena - 1kk = 0.9E (discounts for big amounts) Current Stock: 0kk Tyr - lvl 43 (naked, first owner, clean acc) 15E BH - lvl 43 (naked, first owner, clean acc) 20E WC - lvl 50 (naked, first owner, clean acc) 50E SWS - lvl 50 (naked, first owner, clean acc) 45E BD - lvl 50 (naked, first owner, clean acc) 45E SE - lvl 50 (naked, first owner, clean acc) 40E Sold Warlock - lvl 51 (naked, first owner, clean acc) 40E BH - lvl 50 (naked, first owner, clean acc) 40E Craft - lvl 50 (naked, first owner, clean acc) 45E Tyr - lvl 50 (naked, first owner, clean acc) 30E SK - lvl 50 (naked, first owner, clean acc) 40E All lvl50 chars can be sold together as a full functional party, with a decent discount. you can check my history im trusted, and have done a lot of deals. accepting payment via PayPal. for more info add me on skype: ivstavrev (j) or pm me here. if i don't respond on Skype in a couple of hours, give me a call because sometimes messages don't go through. PP - lvl 45 (+ 50kk in exp scrolls, naked, first owner, clean acc) 30E Sold BD - lvl 43(+ 50kk in exp scrolls, naked, first owner, clean acc) 20E Sold
  3. your pm's are full so add me on skype csoba.martin , i have big stock and best prices.
  4. trusted, fair seller, recommended++
  5. check pms.
  6. actually i wont be surprised if they sold even over 500 licenses, much cheaper than adrenaline and gets the job done even tho atm its in a basic form.when you keep in mind how much people bot, its more than possible.
  7. if a server changes it's rates because some random (no offense to you my friend but i mean not some clan leader of 100+ ppl zerg) spammed a bit that in his opinion its better to be with lower rates, it means it's a fail project.Team behind it don't have a clear idea what they are doing and in before they start listening to every suggestion from a single user and make it a complete shit.
  8. New Skype is bugging badly give them a skype call and it will send the msg trough.
  9. would you share the GF project you are interested in? (im looking for something decent to play aswell)
  10. well i was interested in a GF server and i asked their support when they will be supporting it and he told me that by end of february gf will be implemented.
  11. if you cant block phx whats the point in the server? ronin/adrenaline will bleed you out.
  12. well vercetti did pay adrenaline so it wasn't working, he just got overran by that new ronin bot which launched their beta at the worst time for the poor greek.
  13. there is still a lot of people playing simply for fun
  14. it was fixed over night it seems, i dont know when exactly i was sleeping.that determination you talked about those guys might just have it.
  15. well so far so good, smartguard updated and blocked Ronin on eglobal earlier today but its already working again :not bad:
  16. you think smartguard and the russian brigade gives a fuck about the EU javas they are supporting?They are fighting with Ronin at the E-Global front, because there is the real money and most online.
  17. conspiracy theory much? :not bad: you watched one too many movies tho.
  18. simply the fun part is the PvP aspect of the game, and very few people want to go trough the PvE so they can enjoy fun in l2.
  19. no one is playing to f1 mobs all day long thats for sure, while you are grinding hard im watching movies :happyforever:
  20. from what i heard they will support c6 soon.
  21. download buttong is disabled during beta stage, you need to add them on Skype.
  22. last time i checked it doesn't take much time to see if a program is legit or not.it took me 5-10 min to log my train for soa and make settings, then i let it farm for a couple of hours, all was great and i just purchased the bot.you need 10 days to open the program? :happyforever:
  23. meanwhile in the main post it says they are giving free trials in bolded text. :happyforever:
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