Exo agorasi ena pack . Sto opio palia eixe svn. Epidi to project egine me lefta , egw to agorasa (exei poli kala protection) alla egw 8elw na addaro kati java codes p 8elw . Mporei n m pei kapios pos 8a to katafero afto? Eyxaristo poli gia thn prosoxh sas :D...
Γεια σας παιδες.Αποφασησα να βαλω το pack l2jTeon p molis ekana compile edo.
Ka8e sabbato 8a bazo kai kenourgio revision.
Revision 658 ~~> :
Welcome to L2J Teon Project Interlude
Developers: Maxi56 and Meyknho.
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Forum created for discursion the L2J Teon Project
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Updates SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ty man !! the buffer is toooooooooo goood :) ~!~!
I test it if download .. no have textures looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool!!!!!!!!!!!
mpaaaaa exo dei pio analitika edo mesa px as poume dn leei kan oti prepei na alaksis kai kati sto system gia na to blepeis to skill kai na min tros critical otan to dineis ...
Egw 8a elega na min to dior8osis apla na to baleis ligotera seccond epidi totes 8a exei problem o server s na shutdown ... sxepsou ligo ... flood protections einai ayta ;)