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Everything posted by garcia7

  1. [red]LINEAGE 2 DEX[/red] [move]TRY IT NOW !!![/move] just one...The One !
  2. for pvp: 1.moonlightsentiel (full buff) 2.Sagitarius (-||-) 3.PR *without buff 1.PR 2.Sagi 3.moonlight *for farm Sagi / PR moonlight sux at farm.
  3. [move]I luv Eva ![/move]
  4. for pvp: on MysticMuse (with full buff) - very good on Soultaker (with full buff) -good on Archmage (with full buff) -good on Overlord / Doomcryer (with full buff) -good on StormScreamer - not so good *without full buffs it's not good for pvp MA *for farm it's the best
  5. :D :D :D is posible ...if they have boss jwls ...archers hit like 3500-5000 on crit..titan in frenzy ~7000
  6. Prophet rulzz in oly if u have boss jwl and wepon wt focus no1 can't defeat u.
  7. female dwarf ...she's funny.
  8. try www.lineage.ro ..i play there almost 2 yr ago ...there play on day like ~6000 players. no donation for items big community about top lineage...tops isn't real...many GM's from L2 servers which 're in tops ..they forced players to vot ...all day spam in chat " plz go to:www.****.com and vote us " ... so ..some servers have like 300-700 players but very active in vote-mode.
  9. this is not a trojan or keylogger ..or something like this ? i 'll try at my friend on PC...
  10. 1.kaspersky 2.nod32 3.bitdefender
  11. yeep Barca win ...just lucky day for them.
  12. garcia7

    Spiders OMFG.

    omg insect collector ;)
  13. rolf ! :D let's play bazaaaaa !!! :D :D :D
  14. m2 :D
  15. funny :))
  16. Kaspersky ..the best !
  17. nice work thx
  18. why no1 translate in inglish? u greek ppl dont know inglish ...very bad...uuuuuuuooooooh ! i play too mybrute i want to know about this hack ...so..some1 fast translate before I upset. :P
  19. GK:Cech ------------ CB:Puyol CB:Nesta RB:Dani Alves LB:AShley Cole ----------------- DMF:Toure LMF:Kaka RMF:Messi --------------------- CF:Adrian Mutu RWF:C.Ronaldo LMF:Didier Drogba
  20. MU fan club <--- here <---
  21. garcia7

    Best TV Series

    PRISON BREAK ..i wait season 5.
  22. Rumble in the Bronx ...all movie it's fight ..fight..fight..boring.
  23. "Tubehunter Ultra" u can download from: and transform in: AVI-MPEG-Ipod-Wmv-RM-Mov-Swf-M4a-mp3-mp4-AAc-Ac3-ogg-Wav-3GP-3G2-Sony PSP
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