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Everything posted by s1egrified18

  1. nice but put some photos next time!!!
  2. man can u add a guide for it??
  3. can u add a guide for this???
  4. den exo arketa post leei :S xriazome na mou pite pos tha ton anebaso , ti prepi na kano , xriazome omos na mpo kai sto l2.ini nomizo interlude client ine
  5. exo enan interlude server etimo , den ksero pos mporo na ton kano online , opios kseri na dosi analitikes odigies kai an xriazete na diabaso to l2.ini na stili to programa gt den to exo , efxaristo!!
  6. exos ali mia aporia , otan mpenis mesa ston server....pos ginete na min mou emfanizi to , welcome to baxbastards.gr pvp server
  7. to npc tou class changer sto packeto interlude tou killer_007 newbies pack........den mporo me tpt na to bro....exo bri ola ta upolipa alla oxi ton class changer
  8. an k to mamise me to spam o allos.....poli kalo to pack....
  9. aaa ok euxaristw...
  10. make it no posts to download the system plzzzzzzzzz
  11. guys signomi pou sas to xalao alla eiste off topic....
  12. egw kserw...k psinomai.... kane me add msn na milisoume.... scorpio1821@hotmail.com
  13. kalo to pack alla exei provlimatakia...
  14. Geia sas k signwmi an dn eimai se swsto section....Prin apo liges meres katevasa to preconf server pack tou the mental alla thelw mia dieukrinisi k dn m apantaei...Ginete na allaksei to diskw k na min zitaei to partition W tou diskou m gt xrisimopoieite??? an nai plz peite m pws... euxaristw
  15. poli kalo collection k voithai osous variounte to search....bravo
  16. einai megali diadikasia...kane ena msn kane me add na sta po apo kei... to mail mou einai scorpio1821@hotmail.com
  17. {GR} euxaristw poli...s esteila invite??? an oxi kane m esy scorpio1821@hotmail.com
  18. re c mporeis na m help giati xwris ayto dn mporw na ftiaxw to server m !!! mporeis na m t dwseis apo msn? i estw na t kaneis torrent na to parw etc?
  19. Το C:\Documents and Settings\user\Desktop\Pached_Systems.rar.part δεν μπορεί να αποθηκευτεί, επειδή δεν είναι δυνατή η ανάγνωση του πηγαίου αρχείου. Προσπαθήστε ξανά αργότερα ή επικοινωνήστε με το διαχειριστή του συστήματος σας. ayto m leei!!
  20. man when i say internet explorer i dont mean the program ..i show u what it says... i used netscape internet explorer and mozilla
  21. >:( >:( >:( Im trying to download all the patched systems but it keep saying that( The internet explorer couldnt download the file.The download has stopped abnormaly) can someone link me a hellbound patched system or an interlude patched system who is tested that working???? thank you! :( :(
  22. all links are broken man...do something plz
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