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Posts posted by Brzoza

  1. my server dont have bugs dont smile ^_^

    but ok..


    βlock to find bug, but I say if you find any char to 25 + Do not think that is a hacker is donator!

    from 100 players 50 players is donator


    LoL Enchant nice and other features also ...

    But when i read at 100 players 50 are donator i dont give a try ...



  2. Polish.. yeah right. You are the average polish nationalist. Polish army did that, polish air-forces did that, bla bla.

    Ok, the polish contribution to WW 2 is well known, but you can't say that Greece hadn't contributed too. Both where equal, if you ask me. Well, you wouldn't believe me, even after 10 years of showing you facts, cause you are way too narrow-minded. Wiki help us then :




    The pic is nice tho. ;>


    Yes OFC but i was talking i never hear'ed about Greece at 2nd war. I know it was World War so as name say all fight (IMO) but i never hear'ed about Greece. I know u fight but never hear'ed that's the point :P. Also Ty for understand :P


    @Edit: There is At Wiki read smth about Poland during war (if u want) there is a bit long history ;P



    BTW I recall one who fought for the independence of the USA :)

    Tadeusz Kościuszko http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ko%C5%9Bciuszko


  3. well i just show this picture and some greeks start so i start remind WW 2

    Also u dont remember Battle for England?! :O Where Polish air fighters defend it.

    Monte Cassino where Polish fighters fight for it and won it.


  4. OMG u care for currency ?? LMAZ0R!!!! :O


    And 1st that's not book :P

    I show this because its show nice all what PL done :)

    Trust me u dont really want to know all history :)

    Its just show in one picture what Poland done for Europe just silence kiddo :)

  5. rofl.. yea maybe there is SOME truth to this... but Brzoza dude u act like your country (PL) was the best in war or something... and ur the super duper ppl.. and nobody knew of greece? LOL maybe if ur uneducated u dont... ;D well dude.. almost everyone acts like that for his country.. but ur saying bullshit mate.. and u opened a topic based on a super duper badly painted comic-thing to start a flame war here or what? geez.. :/ and ur not a kid?.. chyea right...  the image is funny.. but u ruined the whole topic urself mate.. u started the flame..  ;)


    all what i said truth :))

  6. WOW! look beeeeeautiful

    im gonna try it :D


    OFC its best :P If someone wanna dl it i can give u Megaupload site with 20 parts x400MB each and it DL fast (if u have Premium like me) u can dl all parts in same time :) Even with 20 KB/s it dl in 5 hours. Its really worth to try ... I spend for it 40 H to done this game :)

  7. Yeap ! Thats true !


    And something about that 10years old kid Brzoza .When Turkey has come to Greece, they took the whole greece.But we dont surrent.At  1821 we start our revollution.At 1827, Russia France England attack to Turkey and they f*ck them.They win them.At 1828-1829 Russia attack to Turkey and we f*ck them too.Now on 1830 Greece took back the island Pelloponisos.After some years Greece took the whole Greece.Russia have one of the best army.Oufff now we have  the Italians.... w00t ? We f*uck them too ! With no help.On Russia they dont have dimocracy.They have communism.if Polland attack on Russia, Greece, England, France, Germany and maybe USA will attack on Polland.So GF Polland.And how may people from Polland are come to Greece ? Not for holidays.. just to get an work....


    And before one year.. o b*stard cop kill a 16 years old boy.We fight the cops for 3 weeks.I dont think Polland can do that.And dont forget, that Greece have the best [GR]kapios na tin metafrasi :     Nautiko   [/GR] .We have the best [GR] nautiko  [/GR] .Our soldiers are the best.Polland is a very litle country with many problems.Here in Greece we have the best girls !  :)    pffff i go off-topic... xP


    OmG im not 10 yo maybe like u are ... also i speak about II war :O not 1800-1900 ... At 2nd war noone even know there is country named Greece :P Also Greece are smaller than POLAND its like 1/3 of Poland LMAO ... Also u get help from idiots like france and united kingdom at so ? Poland never get help from france read smth about 2 War they surrender at 1st days of war start same as united kingdom from Alliance never help pff ... just some USA help with air with food and other materials ... but if u dont know Poland was best at 2nd war they fight with comunism never surrender and if u dont know if not Poland air-help at Battle for England now there wont exist England like all United Kingdom ... so ?? Also when germany attack poland 1st day at 4:45 We didnt surrender our captain Raginis had 20 officers, 700 soldiers, armed with twenty-four machine guns (heavy) and six light guns, eighteen guns (hand) and two anti-tank guns.

    They Fight against 50000 Werhmacht soldiers 2000 tanks also light/heavy guns much more than PL and they defend for whole 4 days ... I dont know if greek's also can do it :O Also if not Germany and Rus attack form 2 side i think so Poland can beat alone Germany ... also read about Monte Cassino all Alliance cant took only 1 church at mountain ... when Polish come they just took it :O Lmao ... Also at 2nd war PL had the best army in the whole Europe, Hitler said if he have Polish soldier's he can done war in 1 year (smth like that).


    If u dont know Poland have the best fans and the most aggressive at whole world so? You hear about it somewhere? You should read a bit:) I never hear'ed about Greeks ... You should read a bit:) I never hear'ed about Greeks ... You should read a bit:) I never hear'ed about Greeks ... You should read a bit:) I never hear'ed about Greeks ... You should read a bit:) I never hear'ed about Greeks ... You should read a bit:) I never hear'ed about Greeks ... atm in saying all of this because u want u're best show haha:)


    @Edit: Also read who stop comunism at Europe :) Read about Lech Wałęsa won the Nobel Peace Prize, and he's leader of SOLIDARNOŚĆ work in Poland ...

    About PL in Greece u know in PL there STILL isnt Euro currency so ? In GR they can easy take it :)... About girl i hear'ed from some Greeks (from this forum also) GR girls are ugly :)


    Ontopic: Just aggre with this :) Those picture show Truth :) ... Show me What GR done in pictures (easier way to read) :P


    Also im not racist and i didnt blame gr but thats true noone hear about GR in 2nd war what they done ? :O Shhh just shh and aggre with me LMAO




    Cheers :)


    +1 :) greeks don't fight like heroes heroes fight like greeks"


    If u believe in heroes like achilles or other sh1t GG and get a life :)

    At war noone care who's heroes ... Anyway all know if not Poland now all west europe comunist will be...

  9. We have the macedonia...


    We would won the italians alone... Then Germans came and if we didn't delay them so russia can kick their asses in ice then your country wouldn't exist at 2009. :)


    hahahahah where u live ?? At the II war noone hear about Greeks lol ... u really should learn some history :O If not 2 side's attack by rus and germany Poland will win against Rus ... But PL had noob alliance (france who's surrender 1st day, and great kingdom) so QQ

  10. Well thats not true...


    Polland sucks very much... They can't even take 1 town of Russia...


    Hahahaha listen greek kid :) U should real some history bitch ...


    01.09.1939 - II war start at 4.45 AM "Schleswig-Holstein" ship start attack Polish base

    Monte Cassino - All lose and then Poland came and took it

    Battle for England - Polish air-fighters defend it

    Tobruk defending - Polish fighters


    Poland never surrender like France, Sweden, Norway ...

    Poland allways fight and they can beat Rus easly if not 3 side attack's =((

    Also hitler said he want to kill PL because there is a lot smart ppl.


    About France they surrender 1st and never help to alliance so ...

    Anyway on this story there isnt GR so just stfu and learn some history kid :)


    Also if not Poland West Europe now will be comunism also GR so just stfu and learn it a bit.


    @Edit: Yeah also man we cant take 1 town in RUS ? We take it lot already ... anyway look at Greece u dont even take Macedonia :) So QQ

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