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Posts posted by Brzoza

  1. OmG its not even for newbies ... xD

    If someone start with MMO yes its diffucilt but not like that please :P

    Even kid can make own char IMO :O


    So i mention that's for real real newbie + kids + idiot :P


    Anyway gz for u c/p xD ^^


    U know i cant believe if u are pro (i guess... xD) make this guide ... its really useless ;P haha

  2. svr with longer farming and what the point of it ??? do farm for 1 week to get the items that you need , that is boring not PVP

    i didnt said 1 week lmao ... just make it harder not like that haha now 1h and u are full gear with WPN+16 and set custom ... What the point of playing ... Anytime u get bored of PvP all time ... Farming+pvp party+mass pvp much better ... anyway u need to play some more srv and u know what i mean ^^

  3. 100-150 online everyday. The staff made some changes and it looks better now :)


    Its nice but ... srv still boring as before (enchant max and just pvp) its better to pvp+farming ... in other's timezone srv sometimes empty(i think so) anyway PvP boring to do it all time :) I prefer srv with longer farming ... anyway gg gl

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