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Posts posted by Brzoza

  1. Man aren't you bored of watching the same fake moves over and over again? It is too fake  at all..it doesn't worth it.


    LOL Im not bored of it ... LoL Look if u watch TV all fake also so ? Its same as film so i like it and its nice to watching ... If its dont even use TV ... all there is fake =/ xD

    Cheers ;P

  2. Batista vs Rey Mysterio -                                                 Batista Win by KO (3 Batista Bomb)

    Chris Jericho vs The Undertaker © vs Big Show -                    Undertaker win by Hells Gate (Submission)

    Team Morrison vs Team Miz -                                               Team Miz won by Pin all

    Team Kingston vs Team Orton -                                            Team Kofi Win by Roll up CM PUNK and Trouble in Paradise (Kingston finisher) on Randy Orton pinned to 3



    Triple H vs John Cena © vs Shawn Michaels - John Cena Win by Attitude Adjustment on HBK Shawn Michaels





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