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Posts posted by Brzoza

  1. Ok u seriously believe that these are real? Comon! There is a script that they follow and they know who is gonna win. Just watch closely how they fight.


    WWE is still alive by ppl like u who believe these things.


    Bleeding- Fake


    Entrances- Just a way to say hello, nothing more




    Check this out.


    My 2 cents...




    I know this is against the rules of the topic as the creator sais, but i just had to post this,


    U idiot if u're not that against rules so why u post it ??


    All know this is fake LMAO (not all)

    U know ALL KNOW THIS IS FAKE SO WTF?! Why u post sh1ts ... ?


    Anyway u see how much in the World watch Wrestling ... >_< U're post really useless ...

    I gonna report it for brake rules and to remove ur post ...

  2. We love Jeff Hardy

    We love Sawn Michales

    We love Triple H


    and we




    Ye aggre with those 3 :P


    But we hate BATISTA His fcking betrayer that's why ... anyway for Batista playing HELL (Bad Guy) is better ;P


    BTW SAY SMTH ABOUT MY REPORT... U Like it ... =( ?

    Or no ??

  3. 1)The guy who is back from the dead will have an epic win

    2)John Cena will own his ass!

    3)You think you can tell us what to do?Then we have 2 WORDS FOR YA!SUUUUUUUUUUUCK IT!

    4)I hate Christian.I hope Shelton's gonna win

    5)Exactly what Intrepid said!

    6)S.O.S.,I hear the comin'!Kofi power!

    7)Mickie has better boobz!


    That's my types :O xD

  4. Welcome to typing!


    1. WWE World Heavyweight Championship Match Chairs

    Undertaker vs Batista




    2. WWE Championship Match Tables

    John Cena vs. Sheamus




    3. Unified WWE Tag Team Championship

    Tables, Ladders and Chairs Tag Team Match

    Chris Jericho and The Big Show vs. DX




    4. ECW Championship Ladder Match

    Christian vs. Shelton Benjamin




    5. Intercontinental Championship Match

    John Morrison vs Drew McIntyre




    6. Randy Orton vs. Kofi Kingston




    7. Women's Championship Match

    Michelle McCool vs. Mickie James


  5. REPORT!

    TNA IMPACT 10/12/09

    For the Final Resolution was still only two weeks


    JB came from Mick Foley to the office and asked to Kevin Nash (who was sitting in his office) Where is what Kevin Hogan gave him a letter which can specify where to look for Jeff Jarrett. I promised to take care of his cabinet. JB Big Sexy gave 20 bucks to buy souvenirs for him on the phone and ordered protection for the cabinet.


    Kevin Nash appeared on the ring with Eric Young,. Kevin announced that it would be a great impact because it zaządza matches today and will meet today with Mick Hogan. I announced the card for today's Impact.


    We see the ridiculous situation of a few days ago when Mick Foley was talking to the screen in which there was Dixie Carter. He said that he wants to see the Hogan. Foley spoke with Dixie and told employees that it hurts him that he could not get through to the Dixie.


    Fight No. 1: Chris Sabin vs. British Invasion

    Be the first fight went Sabin Doug Williams. Times have the advantage once the British and Chris. Came up big in the ring he is done okładał Sabina mercifully, but when he began to gain an advantage in the ring of his companions came. Fortunately, the brave Sabin did dodge it with Brutus and Williams lined Robiego. Sabin came to the corner and made the surprise drop kick to the rivals. The ring was just trying to do by Rob Sabin Tornado DDT but it did not work out and came Rol-up after the Big Rob counted to three. After a fight with Doug Brutus opieprzali Rob.


    Christy Hemme spoke with Scott Steiner that tore at her because she asked for a woman that chooses to fight today. Steiner showed shirt with a likeness of Kristal Lashley.


    Lashley Jeff Jarett continue looking at his favorite restaurant, but the lady who interviewed him had not seen him there a long time.


    Fight nr2 Bobby, Kristal Lashley vs. Scott Steiner and the Knockouts that you choose

    First, the Ring came out, and then Bobby and Kristal Steiner, who had a likeness Kristal.I pants into the ring as a tag team partner entered AWESOME KONG. You can also start to fight and Scott Lashley, Lashley from the beginning had an advantage but at the end of Awesome Kong Lashleyowi prevented reflections from the ropes. Kong wanted to face with Bobby but Chlothsline performed on Steinerze. When the two men were in the ring klępnęła Kristal Bobbyego in the back and made changes as those who first used the Heelowie (Awesome Kong) made a slam and then she wanted to jump from the ropes but Steiner spinował Kristal to three.


    Samoa Joe from Lauren who said that he wanted to smash Daniels and AJ Stylsa and get Title Shota as soon as possible. Even using the Final Resolution suitcase. Beer Money came to him and said that he is not the only one who thinks so because he is not the best. Beer Money have said that the Samoa Joe will be a bad day because they have a greater chance of this Title Shota


    Beautiful People talked about the struggle of today which criticized but Big Sexy came and said that they have spin dzisieijsze show why should not worry because the money that is earned


    Promo for Stingu and Hoganie


    We see that Lauren is the Tara who was forced to drink skrzyneczka Piwka so she could fight with ODB. Tara was upset on that Nash makes her drink a beer before the fight but said that it could be 3 boxes of beer to drink to her smash


    Christy Hemme with Eric Young,. Christy said today that he may lose because he is fighting the Global Champion of Hamada on what Eric told her that is not afraid of the Knockouts but would like to thank Kevin Nashowi he is his friend and it does not strain

    Fight nr3: Hamada vs. Eric Young for the Global Championship

    Beginning at two Klińcz after the fight promised to be boring, but Hamada performed by the Dropkick sent Eric a ring, there is further continued dominance Hamady. At the end she wanted to do Moonasaulta Hamada, 3 rope but Young is spinował and pushed it to three of użycim Lin.


    Beautiful People again on Backstagu where they talked about it, they are sexi and that theirs will be a pretty good cash from Kevin Nash


    Foley again went to Jarrett and Pizzeri favorite waitress there told how to get Jarrett into the house, where Mick was leaving, Pizzeria Jarrett yelled to him, sitting at the bar.


    Christy Hemme at backstagu with ODB. ODB zgniatała cans and drank beer all the time and told how in today's rozniesie Tare pojednyku


    Fight nr4: Tara vs. ODB in Trailer Park Throwdown

    Tara showed how he wanted to vomit into a bucket to vomit but instead struck the bucket of ODB. ODB bound Tare and struck her in the ass with toilet pump to extrude D. Walke ODB won the Facebusterze on a chair and three spinowaniu Tara


    Jeff Jarrett said that Mickowi Foleyowi live in Hell and be asked why he came to the city. Double J said that he could move away from wrestling for what Mick denied him.


    Fight Nr5: Rhino, Team 3D, Neal vs. Jesse Hernandez, Suicide, Dinero D'Angelo, Matt Morgan

    Who will be the spin in the same fight will start next Sunday for 5 minut.Walka tiresome tripe like oil. Not interesting (honestly I did not like) Walke won the Team 3D, Rhino, Jesse Neal after the latter made the Spear Hernandezie and spinował him trzech.Po battle 4-ka heeli Suicide attack but Hernandez and Matt Morgan came to help: )


    Króciutkie Promo with Tomko


    Fight nr6 Velvet Sky vs. Lacey Von Erich in stypulacji Mud Wrestling Match referee with specjalnum Madison Rayne

    The fight would wogóle could not take place. Velvet Sky won the fight after spinowaniu Lacey


    Lauren and Jay Lethal. Jay Lethal came back and said that it will continue to fight with the legends. Lauren wygarnęła him that he lost to Jim Neidhart what Black Machismo replied that he could not prepare to fight since they do not know who you will fight


    Mick Foley talks continue with Jeff Jarrett. Mick said that Jeff had done wrong because according to him, Dixie does not work and tore the ogóle.Jeff Mick because he sees no reason and has no intention to return to TNA as the Dixie took his love TNA!


    Fight NR7: AJ Styles vs. Desmond Wolfe.

    The fight took place in a very fast pace. AJ Styles prevailed once again Desmond Wolfe. In the end AJ Styles jumped from the ropes for Desmond then rebounded from the ropes and crashed into a Wolf. AJ Styles apparently got in the crotch as he held up for them:). Desmond wanted to attack but prevented it Stylsa Daniels who was in the ring Styles Roll up and made spinował Desmond to three.

    Daniels said after the fight that his belt is something to him but Desmond powiedział.Doszło to przepychanki between them but the judges split their


    And again with Mick Foley Jeff Jarrett Mick's who promised that next week will return to the Impact because he must explain something with Dixie Dixie Carter.Mick added that he knows that without Jeff's TNA THERE IS.

  6. REPORT!

    Smackdown 11/12/2009

    TLC last Smackdown before the PPV opened Batista, who came to the ring for several reasons. First, do not ask for today's Street Fight Match with Rey Mysterio. That was the idea of Rey and Batista can not believe that the little Rey Rey will be with him in the ring. In addition, he wygwizdywany, when he began the chase for the WHC belt, but it is not important for him, because after it was born to be a heavyweight champion. He added that he did not need Evolution, they need it, so used them and achieved his goal. Did not need and do not need Rey Mysterio, as well as the support of fans. Big Dave received light from the lamp and found that it did not come to the WWE to make friends, but the money and titles. As before, CM Punk and Chris Jericho, Batista said that the Undertaker is not a dominant victory at TLC Batista is just a formality.



    The ring face CM Punk and Luke Gallows. Punk had with him again, Jeff Hardy DVDs (interesting, if again this will not show in the UK) and began to speak negatively about this CD and their holders. He stated that when children watch it, will halucynować and believe they can fly. Punk trampled down the box, Luke also joined in the fun.

    Go to the ring R-Truth and Matt Hardy, taking with him a backpack, which unloaded the DVD of Jeff and distributed to fans that, as it says Punk, poison. R.I.P.

    Punk screaming to people not to take this gift, or sold it on e-bay, but nothing it would not help. Punk turned to R-Truth, that giving people this DVD is the same as giving drugs. Punk received a blow to the microphone.


    Fight # 1: CM Punk and Luke Gallows vs. R-Truth and Matt Hardy.

    When an advertising break face'owie prevailed over punk, but when Punk was reflected by R-Truth suplex from the ropes, the roles are reversed. Gallows punk and held for a few minutes Truth on the defensive, but it's time for a counterattack - Punk wanted to do springboard clothesline, but nadział the Dropkick, and Truth can make the change.

    Hardy moves on Punk and inflicts it include Powerbomb and leg drop. When Gallows interrupt pin is wywalony the ring by R-Truth. Punk gets rid of R-Truth, meanwhile Matt wants to make Twist of Fate, an attempt to counter attack on the GTS also unsuccessful. Punk pushes Matt and Luke does not notice the change. Punk is Twist of Fate, but receives from the gallows and the big boot finisher that Matt Striker called 12th Step (or Gallows Poll) and Matt is deducted to three.



    Eric Escobar and Vickie Guerrero discussed in Spanish. Teddy Long asked Eric what he said. Eric said that everyone thought his mother, Vickie, but his mom is not as big as Texas. Vickie zabookowała his fight against Chris Jericho. Eric said a few words in Spanish, then explained to Teddy that he prefers to fight with anyone, than to look at the nią.Vickie pissed and left, while Teddy tried not to laugh;)



    Mike Knox on backstage in an interview with Kane said that are the same - they are both monsters, which nobody understands. He added that he fought pleased with Kane. Kane replied that he did not like and he is the only monster here. He agreed, however, that pleasant was their last week's fight, but only because Kane won. Knox said today that Kane will be destroyed monster, but he does not need to worry, because Mike will be accompanied in the ambulance ride.



    Fight No. 2: Eric Escobar vs. Chris Jericho.

    Jericho slapped Escobar, who answered several punchami. Escobar himself quite well advised to Chris, and although załapał the big boot, made a sky-high powerbomb, 2 count. Jericho clothesline has been banned from the ring i. ..... Excuse Me! Sweet as always, Vickie Guerrero announced that from now on will be a Handicap Match, and partner Chris will, of course, Big Show.


    Fight No. 2: Eric Escobar vs. Chris Jericho and Big Show.

    Escobar tried spinować Chris, Big Show before it reaches the ring, but did not succeed. Jericho knocked him the boot and let Big Show, who knocked Escobar shoulderblockiem and added Leg drop. Chris enters and assumes Walls of Jericho, after which Eric immediately surrender.

    When Jericho took the mic fight and end on Sunday guaranteed DX. Shawn Michaels life and HHH'a after this duel will change forever, thanks to ladders, chairs and tables, and especially through the largest arms - Big Show.



    The ring goes Drew McIntyre. He wondered why John Morrison was on the cover of "WWE Magazine, when he defeated him a week ago. Also wondered why people believe that John beat him on TLC - do, because John is an American, and he was a Scot? He added that the victory of John of TLC is just as real as the Loch Ness Monster.

    At this point, the Scottish music sounded and the ring came Ic Champion, John Morrison, dressed as William Wallace, Scottish knight who defeated the English army. "Wallace explained that no one believes in Deciduous, because no one understands. Drew warned that such jokes are waiting for the pain and told him to stop him humiliate Scottish culture. Morrison asked at the end, why it seems to him that he is the best just because it has the approval of Vince McMahon. He only needs approval from the fans.

    There was a brawl, which left more Morrison.



    Fight 3: Kane vs. Mike Knox.

    Reciprocation fight this time was short. Knox initially fared quite well and dominated the rival. However, the last word belonged to Kane, who measured the low Dropkick and sidewalk slam, and though Knox has avoided flying clothesline and made crossbody, Kane Chokeslam has performed and as the week before, spinował Knox to three.



    Fight 4: Mickie James and Maria vs. Michelle McCool and Layla El.

    Michelle and Layla still have t-shirts "Piggie James. I wonder if this is the wweshop.com.

    A brief duel, but pretty decent, as the diva. Layla Mickie spinowała the roll up.



    Fight # 5: Rey Mysterio vs Batista - Street Fight Match.

    Batista prevailed almost from the beginning of the guy in the mask. Mysterio after a few minutes he had his quick, short counter, but after an advertising break Batista again ruled. Rey attacked the cable from the camera and struck him on the table commentary. The smile on his face Batista for the next few minutes with Rey did what he wanted.

    Rey escaped the Batista Bomb on the chair and aimed Springboard senton. After a while Reyowi failed to perform and Springboard 619 Splash, but to everyone's surprise, it was not enough to spin Batista. Mysterio used a chair to attack, but was knocked Spear. Batista has made a Spinebuster chair and hit in the head, then deduct the guy in the mask to three.


    After the fight Batista founded Rey's chair on his head and was preparing to jump from the second rope, but known to all the gong sounded and the light went out. After a while there was light again, and Rey was no longer, for it was The Undertaker who's done with Batista. Wanted to use a chair, but Batista get out from the ring.

  7.  GameInfo:                                                                                                                  


       * Full Interlude Server

       * Private Interlude L2J Server

       * Rates 35X / XP and SP, 35x Adena, 35x Drops, Spoil 35x

       * Anti Phx System

       * Anti HLApex System

       * Anti L2Walker System

       * Interlude Areas

       * Interlude Mobs

       * Interlude Raidboss

       * Interlude Skills

       * Interlude Clan lvl/Clan skills/Academy

       * Interlude Castles and Clan halls

       * Custom Shop with FULL Interlude Items

       * Custom Telleporter with Interlude Zones

       * Full Interlude Mobs+Raids

       * Roy_The_Cat ( Class Master)

       * Fishing system

       * Full Interlude spawnlist and mobs

       * Clan Hall working

       * Full Interlude and quests


       * Augmentation working

       * Duel system working

       * Cursed weapons Zariche and Akamanah working

       * Dual Boxing is Enable.


       * Maxim buffs amount 25

       * Starting buffer from lvl 1 to 80

       * Buffer- 1 hour buffs time includes prophet,songs, dances and chants


       * Book needed to enchant skills

       * Auto learn skills

       * Weight Limit enable

       * Community board is off

       * Char can be deleted after 1 day

       * Unstuck interval 10 sec

       * Spawn protection 50 sec

       * Champions - ON

         Enchant rate:


       * Safe: 5

       * Max weapon: 20

       * Max armor: 20

       * Max jewelry: 20

       * Normal scroll: 70%

       * Crystal scroll: 80%

       * Blessed scroll: 100%

         Karma player:


       * Karma player can not be killed in peace zone

       * Karma player can use shop

       * Karma player can not use teleport

       * Karma player can use trade

       * Karma player can use warehouse

       * Karma Police in Every is only PvP Zone



       * Do not have to wait before:

       * Joining another clan

       * Create a new clan

       * Joining another alliance

       * Create a new alliance


       * Maximum clans in ally is 3

       * You need 15 members to request a clan war



       * Olympiad start time at 18:00 (6 pm)

       * Olympiad ends time is (00:00) (12 pm)

       * Olympiad compeition period is 6 hours

       * Hero is chosen every 2 weeks

         Hero System:


       * Hero weapons can not be enchanted

       * For nobless u need to make sub lvl 76 and u can buy from GmShop.

       * The Nobless Caradine Letter 3.

         S-Grade Items:


       * S-grade items can only be crafted u will find ar gmshop all u need.

       * At Recipes Category.

       * U will need Festival Adena for Blessed Enchant Scrolls.

       * U will find at G.K FarmZone Category There u can chose.

       * U Have Adena Zone, Life Stone Zone, and Festival Adena Zone.



       * U Have at Luxury GateKeeper

       * Category FarmZone

       * There u have

       * SafeZone 1 (Adena)

       * SafeZone 2 (LifeStone)

       * And every Champion mob and every mob in MOS will drop Festival Adena

       * Champion Mob = 10 Festival adena

       * Mobs in MOS = 2 Festival adena

       * U can Kill easy with all class the mobs but try from lvl 80 to go to the mobs. :P

       * The are lvl 82 :) and they have 50k HP. But it's easy trust me GL Guys enjoy.


    Vid From Srv


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