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Posts posted by Brzoza

  1. christhian retain ecw belt

    drew mcintyre beat john morrision new intercontinental champ

    michelle retained the womans title(shit match i nearly falled asleep :D )

    Cena lost hes title :( Shemus is the new champ (again shit step by wwe Cena can lost only by unluck...)

    undertaker beat batista(batista won first by a low blow than teddy long restarted the match and than tombstone...done)

    orton beat kofi...

    dx become tag champs by the stupidity of the big show :D (im too tired to explain it now :D )


    Ofc it was nice PPV but i watching with u only to 2nd match then INTERNET DOWN =((( SUCKY!!!

    And Cena lost against Sheamus peasent pff THAT SUCK! And probably orton take again wwe championship pff ... =((

  2. First buff ammount 25 beacuse it's not pvp SERVER AND 2 learn to play l2 Brzoza u don't even know what means l2 :)) u only know to go to gms and beg them pls give S-items it's bored to craft pls give me theat learn to play lineage stupid girl without a little brain sorry to admins but she makes me crazy :| and all players have skill divine inspiration show u get 29 buffs ammount and theats very good look official sv wy they have only 24? wy they don't make high rates sv? because high rates sv are for noobs not for a player who know realy to play l2 :|.......


    EE lol ? xD

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