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Posts posted by Brzoza

  1. Well!

    In 2 Hours it will started :)


    It will be 3 fight and 4 will be Pudzian vs Najman :P

    If u want watch it go find at any site :P

    Pudzian beat him in one hand!!^^



  2. REPORT!

    WWE Superstars 10/12/2009



    Fight # 1: Finlay vs. Dolph Ziggler.

    In this duel was the prevailing party to Mr.. Ziggles. At the end of the fight Finlay somewhat revived by imposing a strong back body drop, clothesline and sitdown splash, and then received 2 count. Ziggler wanted to make a leap from the second rope, but the Fit pulled him to the floor. Finlay is not going to the charges, ZigZag and Dolph may already celebrating victory.



    Fight No. 2: The Hart Dynasty (w / Natalya) vs. Jimmy Wang Yang and Slam Master J

    During the fight Natalya has shown its strength, and the judge did not see Jimmy bodyslam performed on the floor. Jimmy Hart, Dynasty kept on the defensive until they wanted to perform the action teams - Rocket Launcher, but Kidd is on his knees nadział Yang. hot tag, enter SMJ and moves to attack the Kidd, and imposing on him headscissors action similar to Angle Slam. Smith interrupt pin Jimmy dropkickiem sends him outside the ring and jumps on him.

    Meanwhile, Tyson Kidd suplex J'a blocks and performs neck breaker, after which he obtained pinfall.



    Fight # 3: Jack Swagger vs. MVP.

    Jack said before the fight that he is here the main model as opposed to MVP, who goes to the club to include another bottle. The All American American added that he does not need any items to be selected.

    In the end, and MVP made facebuster ballin 'elbow. Swagger Playmaker blocked, holding the rope, but MVP does Jackknife, 2 count. Swagger returns to the offensive, carrying out his Vader Bomb but MVP while later blocked neckbreaker and measured the powerful yakuza kick an opponent. 2 count for MVP, who decides to splash, but załapał on Snake Eyes. This led to Gutwrench Powerbomb, after which the victory Swagger.

  3. REPORT!

    ECW 8.12.2009

    At the beginning of the ring, we see Josh Mathews, for the ladder. Announced that he will be 5 days ladder match between Christian and Benjamin for the ECW belt. He explained the rules of this fight, when the ring arrived Vladimir Kozlov, who wanted to Ezekiel Jackson came to the ring, and measured him as a man. Jackson came to the ring, but after a while also appeared William Regal to stop the struggles and begged them to their knees, to be reconciled.

    Shelton came out on the ramp Benjanim, explaining that people come here to watch the action, because "Let them fight!" . Regal said that on the spot Shelton dobierałby words carefully because they are three, and he. At this point, to join Christian and Shelton Yoshi Tatsu, which gives a tie. ECW Champion explained that Shelton will leave the stables at the mercy of Regal that was in good form on TLC. Kozlov said a few words in Russian, in which Christian replied, "it was said." Shelton suggested the now six man tag team match, but Regal said that none of them can command them.

    On the scene accompanied by ECW GM, Tiffany. Wondered whether to approve the six man tag team match, or perhaps fight between Kozlov and Jackson. Regal agreed to a six man tag team match, but Tiffany also wanted to know the opinion of Ezekiel, who preferred to stand in the fight against Wladek. Kozlov had the final say and chose the tag team match.

    So today, Regal, Kozlov and Jackson will take on the Tatsu, and Christian Shelton.


    Fight # 1: Vance Archer vs. Tommy Dreamer.

    Archer began the shoulderblock, but missed with the elbow drop. Archer then blocked arm drag and perform a Full Nelson Bomb, 2 count. Vance held Dreamer on the defensive, by imposing on him such vertical suplex. Tommy eventually moved to the counter, doing Crossbody, baseball slide and cannonball.

    Archer knocked Dreamer to the third rope, but Tommy superplex blocked and performed frog splash, which gave him a 2 count. Archer blocked and knocked Dreamer DDT big boot. Archer then measured the reverse DDT and then spinował Dreamer to three.



    Reminder of the recent fighting Hurricane Superstars, which was attacked by a masked man.

    At Tiffany backstage in his office hosted a masked Burchillów, Paul was as "The Ripper". He explained that the Ripper is not Paul Burchill and he lost the hurrican. Came to the office of Gregory Helms, a Tiffany commented saying that the whole league is fair here. Tiffany said that the Ripper did not have a contract with ECW, but get it if a week beat the Hurricane. The Ripper turned to Helms that will meet next week. Gregory explained that it is not with him, but the hurrican.



    Zack Ryder and Rosa Mendez quarreled over who is sweeter. Dreamer Rosie Ryder presented as a dinosaur. He said that he saw the fight Dreamer and once wanted to be like him, but now would be the one who finishes his career. Woo woo woo



    Fight No. 2: Trent Barrett and Croft vs. Caylen. Mark Franks and Danny Vaughn.

    Barrett and Croft, like a week ago, they presented quite well, although the fight jobberami years rather not do. Załatwili opponents in less than 2 minutes after the team shares similar to the Hart Attack.



    Fight # 3: Christian, Yoshi Tatsu and Shelton Benjamin Vs. William Regal, Vladimir Kozlov, and Ezekiel Jackson.

    The beginning of the fight fairly compensated. Jackson prevailed over the first Christian, then Regal was on the defensive, Kozlov also received several blows, including spinning enziguri from Benjamin. But unfortunately, the tradition of fighting to retain tag teamowych one face'a the defensive for several minutes - still fell on Shelton.

    Sheltonowi finally managed to free himself from the attack heelów when meted Regalowi backbreaker. Changes on both sides and Tatsu moves to Jackson, by imposing on him a series of kicks, but was knocked clothesline. Jackson wanted to change with Kozlov, but Wladek retreated and headed to the locker room. Jackson ran behind him and struck from the rear. Regal tried to refrain Jackson, while the judge counted to 10 and ended the fight by a count out.


    Benjamin jumped after a fight at Regal and Jackson, and Christian took a ladder from the ring to take off your belt ECW. However, the ladder also doskoczył Shelton and together with Christian tried to remove the belt champion.

  4. chris benoit is a murderer although


    ye he killed son and wife and after suicide ...


    Anyway WWE isnt fake and isnt scenario ... they're actress and they have nothing to play ... They just fight and better win ...

    They dont make before match who will win  LMAO

  5. I am glad you like the server so far. There is a small bug with flying areas. you cannot log in , in a flying area or you must run out into the world and have to the flying area to fly again.


    As far as the abyss is concerned. We are working on it but there is no time frame as to when we will release it on our server.


    Oky its good now ;P

    And i really love this servah! xD


    One thing i didnt like ... there is 3.5k ppl and now need w8ing for 100+ leave then i can play xD

    Hehe and no laggy with lot of ppl :O That's awesome!!:O xD

  6. Chris Jericho vs DX?

    XA)x0aa0a ain't gonna miss this!


    Well there was JeriShow vs DX match before and there was rules if DX lose HHH fight in handicap match against JeriShow or DX win so Jericho alone against DX ...

    DX won and then ... DX vs Jericho but Big show come into ring ...


    Batista and Rey Mysterio No MOre TEAM ?


    Yes i write u why on MSN! :OxD

  7. REPORT!


    RAW 07.12.09


    RAW 7.12.2009

    Last Raw before the PPV TLC opened today's special guest, Mark Cuban, owner of basketball team and Dallas. He said he believes that today is what it krejzolek. Announced today that Sheamus and John Cena will meet in the ring, to explain a few things.



    Fight # 1: John Cena vs. Carlito.

    From an acute attack began Carlito. Cena tried to quantify the response Attitude Adjustment, but Carlito is on counter Dropkick, 2 count. Cena went to the counter, doing shoulderblock and protoplex. Preparing the Five Knuckle Shuffle, but the ramp appears Sheamus. Mark Cuban came to him and told him to turn back. When security guards arrived, Sheamus went back behind the scenes. Carlito knocked to the mat and Cena at the time wanted to end the fight by the Backstabber, but John counter This for Attitude Adjustment and pinned rival to three.



    To the ring Randy Orton comes out and Legacy.

    Randy turned to Mark, who was sitting in the first place that supports its management today. There is no doubt that John Cena Sheamus and torn each other on TLC and that their meeting today to end the chaos. Randy added that he does not care who wins, and so it will remove its ban on Cuban and no matter who wins on TLC, Orton will be the next pretender. Cubana on his face you could see that it does not intend to do, so DiBiase tried to convince him. He said that the rich have their own pride but do not have to be fools. On Titantronie reminded of how it looked last meeting and Cubana Orton in the ring - Survivor Series 2003, Mark Cuban has RKO.

    Cuban you still do not agree that Randy fought match with the winner of TLC PPV. He added that he read RAW Last week's report on the PJC, and he knows that Randy was lucky in a duel with Kofi Kingston. He said that the judges are worse than the WWE NBA and the judges do not have eggs to stop the fight.

    Cuban said that today will be the fight reciprocation Kingston vs. Orton, but he himself will judge the duel. Rhodes shouted that he could not be so relevant to them and that is how the Cuban basketball team - they can only talk. Mark Cody challenged to a duel, and if it kills him, Ortonowi ban will be lifted. Cuban said he will focus on this in June, when Dallas will be champions, but now waiting for the moment Legacy fight.



    Fight No. 2: Legacy vs. Evan Bourne, and Primo.

    Legacy Primo kept on the defensive, but when Cody and Primo bump up, there were changes on both sides. Evan performs hurracanranę Ted, Ted, in reply Superplex tried, but have been pushed. Double knees with a third rope gives Bourne'owi 2 count, pin interrupted by Rhodes. Primo took up Codym outside the ring, while Ted escaped and made a spin kicku Dream Street, which received the pinfall.

    After the fight Justin Roberts announced that the orders of Mark Cuban, Cody and Ted have to leave the building.



    Fight 3: Maryse vs. Gail Kim.

    Ring announcer that fight was Kelly Kelly. Beginning belonged to Gail, who performed the Spear, running shoulderblock and splash. Maryse slaps rival, then fled. Was caught and pulled back into the ring. Gail wanted to make a leap from the second rope, but fell I kicked Maryse to the mat and holding the feet of ropes, received pinfall.

    After the fight was bad for Maryse Kelly Kelly, said that not to her as a future Diva's Champion. Among the ladies came to szarpaniny, but to help future Melina, who chased Maryse.



    On the DX backstage dressed Christmas tree. Presented their new merchandise. The festival idea is to give, so Shawn had to HHH'a gift - a game SD vs. RAW 2010. Shawn is playing in this game - DX vs. JeriShow. HHH said he already has this game, because he got it for free by mail. Trypel also had a gift for Shawn, and a large gift. Hornswoggle jumped from the box, wearing a DX shirt - on the shirt he was also a member of DX, and behind the words "World's Littlest Member". HHH was surprised that Shawn was able to accurately translate what he said Hornswoggle - Shawn explained that just as Han Solo understand Chewbacca. Meanwhile, Hornswoggle climbed to the top of a Christmas tree and after a while with her falls on the DX. Baby first arose, and the "suck it" went one:)



    Fight 4: Randy Orton vs. Kofi Kingston.

    According to the announcement, Mark Cuban was a judge of the duel, while the Legacy were removed from the building.

    Initially started to attack Kingston, but then the fight went on as dictated by Orton, when knocked rival clothesline. Has made a kneedrop, bodyslam and chinlock. Kofi meted out in response to Russian Side Legsweep and boom drop, but Randy skontrował Trouble in Paradise on the backbreaker. RKO attempt, but Kofi performs backslide - Cuban very quickly deducted 3 count.

    Cuban said that he waited 6 years and eventually be repaid Orton. Then book'ed fight Orton vs. Kingston TLC PPV.



    Fight # 5: The Miz vs. ©. Mark Henry - the U.S Champion belt.

    Although initially Miz did not deal, given the weight advantage, he managed to briefly gain control after inflicted running kick. On the few, but this seemed - Heniek got up and started to attack. Miz dropkickiem sent Henry to the floor, then up the steps.

    Miley wanted to do a third jump rope, but was caught in a position at the World's Strongest Slam. However, this has been Mizowi counter on DDT and get the pinfall, he defended his belt so that the United States.



    Fight 6: Eve Torres and Hornswoggle Vs. Jillian Hall and Chavo Guerrero

    Chavo reversed because Eve, Jillian helped take control of rival. Jillian blocked monkeyflip and wanted to do backflip splash, but the knee nadziała Eve. Eve made Sommersault Legdrop and deducting Jillian for three.

    After the fight Chavo attacked Hornswoggle, but Eve clobbered him over his own body. Came to the ring Chris Masters. After demonstration of its number of breasts, founded Chavo Masterlock. You can see, we face turn.



    The ring comes out Tag Team Champion, Chris Jericho. The audience chanted "you suck" Y2J said that this is not because it is a wrestler in 2008 and a week of Slammy Awards will once again chosen the best. He added that it also plans to win the OMG moment of the year, the tag team of the year, and after defeating DX at TLC match of the year.

    Jericho proclamation declared that the last RAW Chris as false. Is better than the whole RAW and SD, and "I'm the best in the world at what I do" and therefore will be on RAW as long as he wanted. But the fact is that the TLC will not gain the DX belt. At the end he said that when the DX is always done, you get a new Catchphrase: "Chris Jericho has never underestimated.



    Fight 7: Chris Jericho vs. DX.

    At the beginning of HHH and Shawn did with Chris, what they wanted. Y2J made a number of clever, pushed a judge on HHH'a. Shawn threw himself into the attack, but ran into the ring Big Show and Shawn meted Headbutt. HHH back into the ring with a chair and struck the Big Show. Raging Bull struck his fist on the chair, which found the head HHH'a.

    Shawn wanted to bring a ladder in the ring, but załapał the baseball slide from Chris. Bull Show used a ladder to attack DX and then touched them up the ladder, so you could ask Chris chair attack. At the end of Jericho came to the top of the ladder and lifted their belts.



    It is time for WWE Championship showdown.

    Mark Cuban said Sheamusa and Cena, and then explained that it will ask 3 questions and everyone will be able to answer. At the beginning of Mark Sheamusa asked why he feels that the win on Sunday. Sheamus said that Price made his debut in WWE 27 June 2002 and needed 3 years to get the main strip. And what Pay It took years, he himself will take several weeks. He added that it was not yet defeated, and has slowly been obsessed with this, to again hear the broken table, what will happen this Sunday. Answer John: "No comment".

    Second question: Do you realize the dangers Tables Match? Sheamus said that the price is too low the interest and added that he has a comfortable situation, because the price in the struggle revange the TLC will not be in full force. Cena not yet fought with someone like him and on Sunday will lose everything. Response rates: "No comment".

    At the end of Mark asked if you would like something else to say. Sheamus had something to say, but John was asked to Sheamusa. Price hopes that Sheamus believes in what he says, then mentions his 7 years in WWE. Already measured with everyone, from Shawn Michaels to Kevin Federline. All of them were such as Sheamus - always had to be a guy, which should be overcome in order to zaisnieć, but many times it was John and winning smiles from their faces. He recalled what for those 7 years lived, but until now have never surrendered. John said that he believes in what he says and believes in it when he says "you can't see me," because it is on another level. Therefore, it deserved to say: "The Champ is here". Price said that after these 7 years is not enough to knock it on the table to finish it. Found that Sheamus is an impressive person, but not the second, not scare it.

    Sheamus pushed aside his table, Cena said the same, and turned the rostrum. Cuban tried to calm the situation, but was rejected by Sheamusa, while Cena has jumping big boot. Sheamus put one table in the corner and after he knocked back big boot Cena stood face to face with the Cuban. Mark pushed pretender what Sheamusa very surprised, but he fell and kicked him Cubana made Powerslam, breaking at the same table. Dallas Maverick players appeared in the ring, so Sheamus withdrew the titantron.



    Per week a special guest at 3-hour RAW, which will be held Slammy Awards will Deniss Miller.

  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VInN1zmX8PY&feature=related



    Look the face of john cena!


    Well maybe later i'll upload all video of this match (Bad quality =(( ) and u can watch all xD

    I was watching it all LIVE :P It really worth to watch all PPV:P

    Also Best tag team is Brothers Of Destruction (they're back some time ago)


    That's how Kane save Taker from JeriShow :P


    Also Best tag team is JeriShow ! :)

    Because they're have 2 tag team belts thats why ^^

    Anyway i hate them too ... only Jericho entrance i like ^^


    DX inst best ... xD I love them but look they're never keep tag team belt ...

    DX is for make fun+money for WWE (Vince xD)


    About Mysterio+Batista they're wasnt so good ... Anyway its good Batista Hellturn because as FACE he was suck as hell... >_< xD


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