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Posts posted by Brzoza

  1. when have i tell u to add my server u stupid bich. make me favor pls and shut the -beep- up.

    bich ? There isnt word like that >_<


    Anyway i dont care who u are idiot stop blaming or u get ban

    as i remember one idiot from RO ask me to do it so just stfu ...



    Imagine this situation. Are you a wrestler and just signed the contract with WWE. Walks up to you and Vince McMahon says: "Listen, you have a choice. Want to be a heel or facem?" .

    And what decision you took?


    Who is better? Heel or face? Superficially, it seems that it is better to be on the good side. Face can show what he could do, winning clean, nice and no one listens to the audience supports you. Heel must listen to the audience at his Bucha, and among younger fans is always seen as the worse.

    However, as is well known in professional wrestling, not only the idea is to to fight, kick and jump on each other. We must also encourage the viewer to this fight, build tension, or that the viewer is not bored. Role face'a is such as to persuade the viewer to each other, so that it supported. Heel while doing everything to be seen as a black character, who becomes the defender of justice, fight, or facem. In my heel on this issue is an easier task. In America, sometimes you just insult fans or the city in which just one is. Common is cheating during the fighting or the intervention while fighting our enemy with another wrestler. Face that stands out that there are no such tricks, nienacka attack, and if so, it is not creeping up - heel to see that it goes to the opponent, there is no "attack from behind."

    I said that the heel is easier - I mean, that face must be able to focus on the fans themselves. Perhaps it has some influence that the main leader leads the American audience here, which as the saying goes, buy everything. However, let us be frank, John Cena and Rey Mysterio face'ami are more recognizable than the example Evan Bourne, or Primo. And it is precisely for these children beg their parents that gave them cash for shirts, hats, masks, etc. A safe flying to WWE.


    So, in my view, the heel is an easier task (which also must be able to do), but this is also a second side of the coin - pozaringowe life.

    Heel must reckon with the fact that children, for whom Jeff Hardy or Rey Mysterio is God, not a big problem currently get to the Internet. Consequently, heel must reckon with the fact that the Internet will read what kind of an idiot. Perhaps that will be different to circulate photos showing him in a bad light, such as those below.





    Once there is a problem here, which has a heel. Often it is created so that the microphone praises, but avoid fighting as fire. The best example here is Randy Orton. He and many other heelów must play one that has much to say but is afraid to go into action.


    I'll come back even for a moment to heel the case outside of the ring. As we know, there are always people who think that everything in wrestling is for real or take the words of the word heelów too seriously.

    Remember the incident with Chris Jericho in February 2009 after the House Show? Apparently before the House show, Chris Jericho said that he is able to fight with each. One fan took it too seriously.




    Heading further, I think the best wrestler is not only one who has talent, but also one who, being heel, can go faceturn and convince the audience to each other, and vice versa.

    On heelturnu and faceturnu I think it is easier to first. Chris Jericho returned to WWE in late 2007 as a sweet, sugary face. That was until the Highlight Reel, 9 June 2008 at the Raw Chris attacked Shawn and slammed his head on TV. Well, initiated the era of challenges lie ahead of all the hypocrites.



    Mention may also be the most famous wrestlerze, Hulku Hoganie. In 1996, Hulk Hogan's largest face'a heel has become the largest group of federal assumption NWO.

    Faceturn this task a little harder - you were a villain, arousing the hatred of people, and now you have to convince them to him. Besides, we do not know how faceturn bosses for you invent (Great Khali and Khali Kiss Cam).


    In conclusion, I personally probably would choose to be a heel. Heel is more scope for, perhaps more to prove. Of course, you are waiting for a condemnation of the designer and the situations outlined above, but no ...... something for something. Face must constantly worry about it, so that people have not forgotten about him, face'owie often going to various meetings with fans and signing autographs, which means less time for family.

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