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Posts posted by Brzoza

  1. Brzoza stop saying bullshits..There will be no wipe in Eminence, they will just make a 2nd server..


    Ofc wizzy tell me at MSN he will wipe srv because encahnt suck ... SO U JUST GTFO IF U DONT KNOW NOTHING!!

    He also said to dont tell any he will wipe it <lolx>



    log in, i want your coppers. <3



    Soz bro Phoenix have it =((

    tell him to give u half ... :P its like 5k :P


  2. REPORT!

    RAW 21/12/09


    And in the ring already known to the American baseball player Johnny Damon (Frankly I wish to Guest The host was a Heel). Johnny wished everyone happy holidays and enjoy the applause (not even heard: D). He enjoys that he was a guest on RAW! He added that he knows how to be a player today will help players RAW. I heard Tiger: D and a Dive who is chasing him (Great parody of Tiger Woods with his wife). I said Fights Div!

    Fight No. 1: Melina, Kelly Kelly and Gail Kim Vs. Maryse, Alicia Fox and Jillian Hall

    All Divy were dressed in sexy clothes pomocniczek Mikołaja.Walke began Jillian and Gail, a total that could fight for me because it does not take terribly boring blow (As the fight div). The Beginning and Maryse Jillian tormented Gail Kim but she somehow changed sieee with Kelly Kelly and was confusion in the ring. Maryse Kelly Kelly caught the slam but Melina came back and made a Drop Kick (odd situation) Melina and the team won three Pinfall.


    Announce Court of Santa Claus and the little people.


    Previously, the RAW Triple H-HBK caught and who had read something in the glasses. Tryplak it is asked whether it is wearing sunglasses on what he took from him the list I went to see the ring (Shaw, said that they live there, little trolls: D) May the two men went into the ring. Opwiadał HBK afraid of the dark and took the green skylight DX what HHH did the same and advertise shop wwe. Men looking for a light switch and they were on Backstagu D until they found the Court Karłów.

    Court sitting in Dwarfs themselves. Judge ordered the DX-om sit on the chair, but HHH said that it is too small for him, for what HBK got the legs with a screwdriver (Because it looked like so: D) HBK HHH sat down, then got a screwdriver and a sat: D finally Hornswoogle come. You said what finished. HBK translated Tryplowi he said that we have been accused of something you see all the segments of Hornswooglem and DX. Sad music and the announcement that we will learn later on what will be in court.


    Fight nr2: Randy Orton, Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase Vs. Kofi Kingston, Evan Bourne and Mark Henry

    They started to fight Randy Orton and Mark Henry but Randy immediately changed from Codym. And Man's dominance over the World Stronegest Legacy Amendment With Kofi Low Kiki and kicks in the Corner. But Cody Rhodes freed himself and changed with Randy. and go to the ad: D

    After suffocating any Ad Cody Rhodes, Kofi Kingston. At the End of Air Combat Evan Bourne made but only two Pin. Rhodes changed to Randy Orton and there was a predominance of .. Randy changed with Ted and he made Evanowi Suplexa and Headlock. Evan was much on the offensive. But the two men would have made change and Kofi came and Randy. Kofi had made predominance Boom Boom Pow Ortonie but the pin for two. Randy changed with Ted and the Kofi done Trouble In Paradise and spinował it to three.


    I go to the backstage where they were Santa, Johnny Damon, Eve and The Bella Twins. Eva went on the drink for himself and was accosted by Carlito who told her that they stand under mistletoe D. Eve is odraziła and was amended by Master Chris (Carlito about his little kiss is not: D). The little that there was no fight but they divided the Santa Claus. Carlito said that it was not Nicholas and took off his beard, it appeared that this was the AGH Slaughter. Damon quieted Carlito and Master and proclaimed their fight for today. Slaughter and Damon steel under mistletoe and Slaughter, wanted to kiss him.


    We return to court for Karłów. The Court said that it was Triple Small misunderstanding of what it is improved and that only a misunderstanding, but would like to help, and was once set Hornswooglowi Video from Hornswooglem and DX. HBK said that he knows what people want. want to Hornswoogle joined DX. Dwarfs began to throw in DX, then fled Sądu.Shawn Michaels was drawn to the ring but HHH somehow saved.


    Nr3 fight John Cena vs. Jack Swagger

    John Cena vs. Jack Swagger

    Start, both players are no longer prepared to fight. Jack uses his speed several times struck Cene, brings Irish whip to the corner and then performs spear.Po implies submission to the back of his rival, but John did not poddaje.John eventually brought a counterattack in the form of Facebusteru. It seemed that the price will be led by the majority of the fight but had received from the opponent's big boat. At the end of the fight when the players are on the corner of Swagger wants to perform superplex, but opponent John dumps the corner and wants to perform leg drop'a, but Jack is moved away from the corner bounced up and wanted to make splash, Price proved to be pushed faster and performed STF, after which forced the enemy to surrender.


    Santa Claus with Today's Guest The host came up to the Holy MVP and wished that the fight he arranged a fight with the champion because he wanted to see if it will come true. Nicholas Brode MVP took off and found that it was Dusty Rhodes. Damon zabookował fight Sheamus Vs MVP today. And Dusty said the Hol Hol Hol Hol.


    Fight nr4: Carlito vs. Chris Masters

    Fight for me should be played by a band rather than singles match. We started przypomninia events Slammy Awards where Carlito wanted to take the statuette Matt Hardyemu.Squash Match in which the predominant Chris Masters. Only at the beginning of Carlito fared with the Master. Masters all the time tried to make Master Lock but in the end he succeeded, and Carlito surrendered.

    After rollers Eve kissed under mistletoe Chris Masters until his "boobs" began to dance: D


    Advertising Tribute to the Troops


    Tigger the Bella Twins were sitting on the sofa A Santa Claus asked the U.S. CHAMPION The Miza get what he wants for Christmas. Miz said that today he is angry because he did not give him a pair of shoes as he was 9 years old, also had to go down this year from his eyes because he forgets about it. MIZ said that it is U.S. Champion and U.S. Champion is the best. Miley wanted to bring him the Holy One ... and perhaps two Super Laski wished the Smackdown vs. Raw 2010, and wished each other well as the fastest back-and KL. Miley wanted to say that it is Awesome but it turned out that this is the IRS, which said that there is nothing in the list of what he wants U.S. Champion but came with a stick golf lady who constantly chase tiger: D Damon asked the Holy One as he gets, what it told him that they do not pay taxes, Damon went to Mae Young and kiss under the mistletoe at Mae replied Merry Christmas!


    Fight Nr5: Sheamus Vs. MVP No Title Match


    But the first announcement of Timbaland as Guest Host on the next RAW

    Very brief struggle which dominated Sheamus. Spinował MVP of the border and toss it into three spinował

    After Combat John Cena ran into the ring with a microphone and suggested that he has yet to use Rematch with Sheamusem. Price took off his shirt and said he wanted the fight now. But Sheamus ran away from the ring


    Johnny Damon on backstagu got a Make-up box and say how it got ochydny kiss. Vince came up to him and said that he looks terrible. He also said that it is one of the few guests who did not give the belt to fight pay. Damon said that this week ordered the fight. Damon asked whether Bret Harte Guest The host will be soon on what Vincuś told him that they are sacred and far thinking about it


    Fight nr6: The Miz vs. Santino Marella

    Santino was dressed at the beginning of the reign of Nicholas and throw gifts to the public. Santino singing a song "Santino coming to Town." The Miz tormented over Nicholas, and after a short time after it spinował Skull Crushing Finale.

    After the fight Miz wished all a Merry Christmas and crushed gifts.


    Guide at the Court Meeting and the DX-Hornswoogla


    We see how the Backstagu Josh Matthews asks Big Show what he thought about Today's Christmas on what Big RAW told him that he has enough Mikołaji dissimulation. He said that goes into the ring and ask the real Nicholas.

    How he wanted so he did went to the Ring itself with its Theme "(How long I have not heard it: D). Big Nicholas said that he wanted the real gift for him that what he desires. Holy said that he knew that Nicholas should sit down on my knees but it probably can not bear the D. Big Show and staged knee squats. On which sat a Santa, who asked whether he was polite he answered that Yes. Big said that his only wish is to return his Tag Team Partner's Chris Jericho on RAW, Nicholas said that Chris has a great faces and too much Biadoli. Big Show asked for the return of Chris Jericho on RAW? A little saint not popłakał and said that next week Chris will be on RAW. Big Show pressed to hear him, but that ticket Hornswoogla Nicholas lifted his chin and it turned out that it is ....... Chris Jericho! Hornswoogle showed a sign of the DX-Jeri Show and fled into the ring.

    And the Army went into the Ring DX Karłów. Chris Jericho mine priceless. Dwarfs have tried to get rid of Chris Jericho and Big Show has performed at some Karle Drop. Now, Jeri-Show wanted to get rid of Hornswoogla but Hornswoogle preparing for Sweet Chin Music! I kicked Jericho in the tibia: D, Big Show Chokeslam wanted to do but hear the DX Theme and began to fight. Trypel H after the fight said to HBK-and that now will Hornswooglem but it said that not because they are sacred and it can be a gift for him. HHH said that his gift will be blasting his (pretended Hornswoogle zarąbiście DX: D). HBK said that joined them and after them, everything will be done: D Triple H said that he could not make the entrance to Horniego Dx Aleea ....... DX can be mascot. And If You Do not Down With That we got to words for YAAAAA .... Suck It!

  3. Your name is not a "bottle" or that's how it's supposed to be.

    Yes its not ... But look at this bottle that drink name  :O

    Its Gazoza and those stupid Greeks (not racist just for those who think im gazoza) spell it ...


    Anywya i dont care at all about it ^^ u know ... :P



    Btw Phoenix i maked DB+10+F at Revolt haha ^^ I cant believe ^^ Tonight i'll make WC and SONGER :P

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