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Everything posted by rooy

  1. GR:re nos pou einai to link En:Hey nos where is the link
  2. re guys kante mia metaftasi plz:P parolo pou xerw agglika dn katalabainw ti leei toso kala euxaristo gia to translate
  3. Rooy@Microsoft.com xaxxa omg xD ;) i like it :P!
  4. Little bit faster i have 1 question if you increase network.http.pipeling.maxrequest more 30++ you will increase more your speed?
  5. 100% dont work to c5-c6 ??Maybe 99.99%:P like hlapex xaxa;)
  6. .::NowLoading::. O_o giati re c to bazoune kai ala noobakia apo to net k m tin dinei :P sas aresei to name m??
  7. re pedia mporei kapios na me boithisei thelo na alaxo name maxtor mporeis na mou alaxeis to name i mod dn xerw ti pezei help me liittle ty ;) :o ;D ;)
  8. rooy

    Best Mix(Dj) O_o

    na to site mporeite na to katebasete eplizw na einai wreo!! Aftoi pou exoun kali karta hxou kai hxeia malon tha tous aresoun:P
  9. rooy

    Best Mix(Dj) O_o

    xaxa wreo mix akou to diko mou miso na to upload 86% ine:) O_o Na sou po dn mou aresoun poli ta elhnika goustaro pio polu trance kai house k etc xD!!!
  10. rooy

    Best Mix(Dj) O_o

    Wreo esu to ekanes?
  11. So nazghoul you will answer me today lol? i want to solve this problem:/
  12. rooy


    Ok if you can without any browser ok :PPP
  13. So I play Zeus x5 Server www.linezeus.gr i have sps lvl 78 subclass lvl 75Hackey and second Subclass Warcyer lvl 50 and i am nobless I want to create Second Char but must exp fast and i want to can make Sublcass (Spellhowler-Sorcerer-Spellsinger)Here is the Site http://www.lineage2.com/Knowledge/subclasses_2.html) I want this Subclass For Seed Party xD So Someone Have someone good idea??
  14. rooy

    fanu game

    Kalo Kalo xaxaa
  15. rooy


  16. Loipon tha kanoume ena diagonismo pios tha kanei to kalutero mix ?? As Arxisw egw exw kanei to remix kanw upload twra ante kante k eseis:P http://rapidshare.com/files/42832161/Di0NyShS.mp3
  17. Nomizo oti dn iparxei sto forum auto event share kati tetio eixa kanei kai egw search ala dn brika tpt Ama breite tpt kante to share ..:O
  18. omg nice Share I like so much this armors!!!
  19. Do XP=X50 Do Sp=X100 Do Adena=X50 I think will be better i like this rates for multiskill i play to the same server O_o
  20. I will try it i dont have time now :P
  21. Hlapex is dead so... But Nice Guide 99.99%dont work to servers:PP xexe
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