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About qqqq

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. take a destroyer with frenzy and pwn em :D
  2. for raid bosses on low rate servers, use MA set on spellhowlers... +++++matack
  3. in advanced chronicles boxes dont die if u 1hit :( they just xplode
  4. low the post requeriments if its fixed in most of the servers! :P
  5. that programs work good in servers that u cant use IG walker for the bypass or other sh1ts... its a good program to go AFK on pt with friends that are not afk :P
  6. just get a cp clicker, is easier and better :D
  7. schuggart places, and crypts of disgrace are best spots to bot at low lvl.... noone goes there so u dont get banned =) and yurislave go spoil in that schuggart areas too, lots of cbp or sop i dont remember
  8. f1 = normal attack on any melee char f1 = death spike on my necro f2 = lethal shot on archer f2 = dark vortex on my necro
  9. ty for the info
  10. I roflcopted....
  11. i dont like that server :/
  12. 8k / 0 in Nanaki
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