very good this pack, more the sql re incorrect for pack, and the character no save in database after resttart server...
* Lineage II Chronicle 6, Chaotic Throne 0 (Interlude).
* Custom farming zone Elven Fortress.- no ve
* 100% working Interlude skills.- no ve 80% or -
* Augmentation Skills Removed (more balanced pvp). no tested
* Subclass.- quest
* Noblesse.
* Hero System and hero skills.
* No Auto-learn skills.
* Maximum level is 80.
* 24 buffslots available. more slots 32
* Augmentation fully working.
* Interlude Battle Symbol skills fully working.
* Zariche and Cursed Weapon System.
* Working Interlude Clan System.
* Seven signs working.- no ve
* Retail-like clan halls.
* Interlude debuff slots fully working.
* Titanium Armors Craftable.- no ve
* Dusk Shield/Sword/Staff Craftable.- no ve
* GM Shop- no ve