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Everything posted by rtoservers

  1. thx, i lost time testing this share... without database, this share s bored.
  2. i guess very hard PP, where ve a tutorial
  3. in dvamp, when use automatic skill, the max buffs s 32
  4. after restart character goback for level 1, what s the solution problem? the server s perfeit... more s this trouble? thx
  5. i need l2 extender IL for Gracia epilogue. Thx
  6. where change level for fix max 78?
  7. very good this pack, more the sql re incorrect for pack, and the character no save in database after resttart server... :) * Lineage II Chronicle 6, Chaotic Throne 0 (Interlude). * Custom farming zone Elven Fortress.- no ve * 100% working Interlude skills.- no ve 80% or - * Augmentation Skills Removed (more balanced pvp). no tested * Subclass.- quest * Noblesse. * Hero System and hero skills. * No Auto-learn skills. * Maximum level is 80. * 24 buffslots available. more slots 32 * Augmentation fully working. * Interlude Battle Symbol skills fully working. * Zariche and Cursed Weapon System. * Working Interlude Clan System. * Seven signs working.- no ve * Retail-like clan halls. * Interlude debuff slots fully working. * Titanium Armors Craftable.- no ve * Dusk Shield/Sword/Staff Craftable.- no ve * GM Shop- no ve
  8. hoe do for a server L2Off ve a limit level 78 or 79?
  9. and how remove a dll in l2server or change for other?
  10. credits for?
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