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About elbereth129

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    United Kingdom

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  1. oxi dn xreiazetai etc opws einai douleuei kanonika se mena... dn kanei verify?... mhpws exeis vista?(opote na anatrekseis se thread me help g vista gt dn exw idea :P)
  2. ela mou nte.... g na tou leei o fakoukas na to grapsei kalytera omws, mporei na exoun kapoia vash auta pou leei :P ante na doyme...
  3. diagrapste to post m plz... egine lathos.. (ok mia pou egine to lathos...endiaferetai kaneis na mathei pws na kanei rythmiseis g spoil i delevel? an k thewrw oti ta kserei olos o kosmos auta...alla meta apo auto to topic...) PS: mhn ksexnate POTE stis rythmiseis walker: OTHER/other player--> auto accept live:Anybody(by default) ksetic g na mh sas rixnoun k sas kanoun rez k fate kanena trelo delevel :P (an exete char me rez sto party synistw na valete-party player) ksanathymithika kati-->OTHER/ Gm strategy-->Flash Gm Name Delay(min): valte to 9999
  4. hahahaha!!! best video ever!!!
  5. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=65984.0
  6. re paidia ara dn einai g na deis password kapoiou allou... ektos an pas se pc tou allou k valeis to programma... eksyphretei mono an exei valei "remember passwords" se forums klp k exeis ksexasei to pass. sou... h an exei tyxei na xrhsimopoihsei kapoios to pc sou...
  7. welcome welcome :D we're waiting for your help then- huhuhu
  8. wKhZzGR5tYU QNevtpscK7s 8) i9WmKre5O2I
  9. Auras... polu xalara omws huhuhu (x7 alla g kapoio logo mou kanei g xamhlotera rates :PPPPP)
  10. hehe... mia symfoithtria epemene na ksekinisoume rpg (xwris na kseroume leptomereies g to athlima :P) k prospathousame na apofasisoume ti na ksekinisoume-guildwars-l2-wow...rwtousame ton typo sta pc games papaswthriou k mas elege "wow me diafora" alla telika vrethikame se e-global net kafe k etc loggarame eglobal(tote pou htan stis dokses tou... xDD)
  11. hehe sps sps sps sps sps SPS!! xD k mh vgazete symperasmata apo pvp servers ksanalew :PP pisteuw oti an kseroun autoi p paizoun, ola ta mage classes einai balanced.. me ta yper k ta kata... to thema einai ti protimas...(egw casting speed!!!! :P)
  12. Mystic Muse!!! dn einai to thema poios xwnei kalytera...(auto isxyei gia tous pvp servers...) to thema einai me ti char goustareis n paizeis :P egw px de mporw na kanw target k apla atk... ante k apo kana stun :P thelw na exei perissoterh filosofia i olh katastash :P k apo tous magous paw tous neroulades haha :D btw k Shillien Elders mou aresoun polu :)
  13. exw liwsei sto gelio me auto to thread.... E L E O S 1on to maximum range pou mporei na xtypisei o char einai sygkekrimeno- DEN mporei na allaksei epeidh tha valeis megalyterh timh sto walker... an ta skill exei range 900 toso einai to maximum!! (egw me mago paizw tosa xronia alla idia logiki einai nomizw :P) 2on to palikari dn sas eipe g kanena cheat... xalarwste... apla sas enhmerwnei na mhn tyxon exete rythmisei kanena range 200 opote anagkastika kovete apo monoi sas range.. ti zhtate to programma???? to walker dld??? g poion server???? hellooooooo!!... apla g rythmish opoioudhpote walker milane.....!!! k epitelous lock auto to thread pou apo thn arxh mono skopo eixe thn auksisi twn post.... come on...seriously..
  14. Meta apo arketes prospatheies me walker, vrhka ena pou douleuei g mena (k pt heal k recharge) to IGWalker 2.05 einai, alla apo mia lista me walkers pou epsaxna apo allon xrhsth den douleuan ston server(dld me to heal/recharge eixa provlhma). polu pithanon vevaia na mhn ekana egw kati swsta sth olh diadikasia (?) :P Anyways, vrhka to sygkekrimeno walker kataxoniasmeno kapou sto pc mou :D k douleuei kanonika ;D oriste ta links.. Server Link: http://www.auras.gr/ Share Link: http://www.4shared.com/file/131916354/ac3e11a5/IG_Walker_working_on_auras_.html k to host file mou exei ws ekshs :P localhost vip.tt2xz.com vip1.tt2xz.com vip2.tt2xz.com vip3.tt2xz.com vip4.tt2xz.com vip5.tt2xz.com vip6.tt2xz.com vip7.tt2xz.com vip.towalker.com vip1.towalker.com vip2.towalker.com vip3.towalker.com vip4.towalker.com vip5.towalker.com vip6.towalker.com vip7.towalker.com
  15. nai re gmt... k egw to idio problem exw... party heal k recharge... alla oxi se official etc :PPP
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