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Everything posted by whitelabell

  1. Time to feed oly
  2. Server files must be tested and working! With offers and contact info write her or PM me.
  3. Hi,i'am searching for a designer to design me a website with scripts etc. Pm me here for information.
  4. Someone can help me or not ?
  5. Hi, Can someone help me with installation of stress web 13. Pm me for more info.
  6. Hi can some one help me with installation of stress web 13 (ofc nulled). Pm me plz.
  7. Hi I wan't to buy server files for low/mid server with full working quests skills etc. Pm me with price.
  8. XP 80 SP 80 Adena 100 Drop Items 30 Drop Spoil 25 Drop RaidBoss 5 Drop RaidBoss Jewelery 1 Drop Quests 15 Quest Reward 5 Drop Fish 5 Manor 15 Max. Enchant amount 13 Enchant Scroll 58% Bless Enchant 62% * Full working all quests. * Working Fortress, Clan Hall. * GM shop up to B grade,all recipes by materials. * Full NPC Buffer. * Full working skill, on the global balance. * Full working Castle Siege. * Mammonai without 7signs period. * Commercial Geodata. * Catacombs / necropolis gatekeeper. * Auto Events: TvT, Last Hero, CTF. * Full fixed all Raid / Grand Boss (Frinteza, Sepulchers, Ice Queen, etc.) * Working cursed weapons. Intel Core 2 Duo 3.0 x2 RAM:8GB DDR3 HDD: 1TB Traffic: Unlimited System:Ubuntu Server WWW: http://l2-valder.pl/|Forum: http://l2-valder.pl/forum
  9. NIce website 12/10 :D
  10. thanks man :)
  11. nice share big thx
  12. very nice gm shop thx man
  13. not bad not bad :) keep work :)
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