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Everything posted by Vadfex

  1. She's a paper which leaves deep wounds.
  2. Trynda is easy to counter, he's like Katarina on ulti, disable him and he wont do a shit, nor he will survive. Poppy on other hand is immune to any disable while on ulti, she absorbs cc's(if team is foolish enough to try and stun her), also Poppy's damage is huge, imo she's more useful than Trynda.
  3. Fav chars are- Cho'Gath, Mordekaiser, Irelia, Eve(I like her looks and the way she talks) Best chars are- Nasus, Shen, Amumu
  4. Those twisted people in Riot gonna kill Lee Sin! Leave Lee Sin alone!
  5. Done these damn quests bunch of times, and I certainly do not want to repeat them, they're so annoying!
  6. Dunno, ap cho sux, I've tried him as AP, but he's not as effective as TANK cho. I'd place my bets on TANK cho.
  7. I prefer him as tank'gath Build: Start with Doran's ring>Merc Tread>Mejai's/Leviathan>Leviathan/Mejai's>Force of Nature>Warmogs>Sell Doran's and get either Archangel staff or Atma's Impaler, had a test with Nashor's Tooth and works fine with feast/vorpal spike combos. Made lots of tweaking with this build. At both 20 stacks he's really strong, Rupture works fine against weak champs, Feast 3lvl nukes like hell, vorpal spikes does lots of damage combined with atmas impaler and hp, with this build he's fully capable to tank. But this build works as long as your team is able to kill. Other build: Mejai's/Leviathan traded for sunfire cape and abyssal scepter(this one depends on who dominates in enemy team, if AD champ than take thornmail, if AP champ than scepter)
  8. She's great on supporting, played her and my shield saved bunch of lives, also my shield destroyed few lives too(great area damage). She's the type of char who can easily cycle between support and nuke.
  9. Is it possible to change sounds? If so, than how?
  10. Not seeing any proof!
  11. Elf, hawt sexy figure, although tits too small T_T Dark elf, hawt body, like face expression #3, ofc tits :>
  12. Playing on L2Dragon.de
  13. When I grow up, I wanna be Gladiator like him!
  14. I like to combine ad with ap, trying to stack mejais and occult, than going for AP.
  15. I agree, can't find this guide as useful.
  16. http://www.lineage2media.com/gracia2/lineage2gracia_horses5.jpg Dis thing! NO not the elf! Although would be great to have her as a pet <3
  17. Hmmm.... Best class in oly.... Well dunno... Seen a lot of buffers hitting tanks hard with only wind strike in ruoff, daggers owning other daggers 1hit K.O, tanks raping buffers and so on. Imho epilogue is huge luck and skill client. But imho, best epilogue oly class branch would be tanks, every tank is strong in it's way, HK has insane P.atk with Seed of revenge, enchanted dark panther is strong, if panther is alive HK has 3 or 4 cancel skills, Shillen's Templar is great debuffer with hex,break power, cubics and offensive spells(great damage wearing blunt+ Pain of Shillen, also the damn hp steal is great), Eva's Templar imho best tank class who can take the most damage(like someone said, it has 4 heals), Phoenix knight has 2 uber cool skills AI and flame icon, if target isn't killed before pre-ai effect finishes you can launch flame icon. What I said is only theoretical knowledge, dunno how it works in battleground.
  18. You get an error cuz you don't write in English!!!
  19. Heal is the best spell for beginners, just like Aequitatis said. My most favorite spells are Ignite and Flash, although my most common spell combo is always with Teleport(imho most useful spell).
  20. "[L2j] L2 Erevos PVP server x500 NO DONATES !" - Nobless book of loyalty and Blood Dragon (Wyvern) also is items that you can buy with Euros. I really hope that "Euros" is somekind of item in-game. ><
  21. Pantheon: Doran's Blade> Berserker Greaves> Sword of Ocult> Phantom Dancer/Infinity Edge(depends on how hard you fed your previous item)> Item that you haven't chosen previously aka Phantom Dancer or Infinity Edge> Guardian Angel(if you're the most pwner in team, smart enemy will focus you) or Bloodthrister> Sell Doran's Blade and buy another Phantom Dancer.
  22. Today, I've played maybe 6 rounds and 4 of them had blitz in team, can't say it's rare.
  23. One good thing about Freya archers is that they have passive skill that enables them not to use mana while shooting basic shots, although this skill is after 81+lvl. Archers were op @ interlude, actually they are a bit op @ Freya too, but @ Freya they can't easily kill tank. Also I like one more thing about Freya, seen on RU global how prp/se/ee/bs killed tanks using wind strike or ice bolt, seen it not once. ^^
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