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Everything posted by rererere

  1. akou epeidh edw mesa h poio logikh mexrei stigmhs eine o extremedwarf meta to magaki13 apo tous poio logikous pou exw dei edw mesa...na rwtisw kati?tha sou arese esena na evgazan logs gia esena?na exeis 200 atoma na kanoun flame olh enantion mou sto MSN o xxxskillerxxx na vazei atoma se shnomilia na arxizoun na me vrizoun..xxxskillerxxx afto tha sou arese na to kanoun se esena... alla ama sto kanoun tha katalaveis pws eine
  2. Oute UPLOADER dn egeines exei 1000 POST ++ phoenix4 akoma tpt a re kakomirh x0xa0a0
  3. @phoenix4 poio axrhstw se afto to forum apo esena dn exw dei mono sto spam section eise pereimenontas na deis flame..a re kakomirh
  4. Opou deis flame vlepw prwtws morh agelada o poio axrhstws vlepw kaneis polh hliotherapeia mprwsta apo to pc afto se exei peiraksei looser
  5. re phoenix esy ti milas mwrh agelada
  6. re vlima sou aresei to flame kathisa na vgalw egw chat logs pou eleges olo mlkies
  7. ok xxxskillerxxx nomizeis oti kati kataferes me afto ama nmzeis ot eise magkas twra @@ enas mlkas eise pou sou aresei se afto to forum to flame pws na prosvalhs ton allon vazontas logs alla pou mereika eine edit ante re
  8. Pws mpwrw na valw na mhn mpwroun na petaksoun ta items opoios mpwrei na me helparei se afto eine polh shmantiko
  9. akouste paidia otan foras +30 px stou petmezi to pack l2jdot trws ban mipws mpwreite na me helparete na to vgalw afto
  10. Paidia prospathw na anoiksw site me to diskw mpwreite ligw na mou eksigisete ti tha kanw sta config
  11. opoios kserei na me helparei ama mpwrei
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  13. PAIDIA sto phx exw ena problhma trww critical sto login alla meta apo wra me vazei kserete mipws gt 2009.7.23 12:03:00 OS : Windows Vista 6.0 (Build: 6001) CPU : GenuineIntel PentiumPro-class processor @ 2501 MHz with 2047MB RAM Video : NVIDIA GeForce 9500 GT (7813) General protection fault! History: NConsoleWnd::RequestAuthLogin <- NCAuthWnd::OnLoginBtnClick <- NControl::SendEventMessage <- NCButton::OnClickButton <- NCButton::OnLButtonUp <- NCVirtualWndMain::PassToFocusedWindow <- NCVirtualWndMain::PassToFocusedWindow <- NCVirtualWndMain::PassToFocusedWindow <- NCVirtualWndMain::DispatchWndMsg <- NConsoleWnd::DispatchWndMsgX <- NConsoleWnd::MasterConsoleEventProcess <- UEngine::InputEvent <- UWindowsViewport::CauseInputEvent <- UWindowsViewport::UpdateInput <- UViewport::ReadInput <- APlayerController::Tick <- ALineagePlayerController::Tick <- TickAllActors <- ULevel::Tick <- (NetMode=0) <- TickLevel <- UGameEngine::Tick <- UpdateWorld <- MainLoop
  14. re file toliasGR olo SPAM kaneis koita ligw tis hmerominies leei 2008 ante kapoion na lock to topic (REPORT)
  15. sesone exw sikwsei server exw poio polla apo 34 atoma xwreis LAG aplos rwtaw
  16. posa atoma mpwrw na sikwsw sto l2 akouste ta stats tou pc 2,50 GHZ epeksergasths 4 GB RAM
  17. re psychotrance esy poios eise olous tous kritikarhs to paidh na helparh thelei esy pou exeis -2 KARMA ante milas kiolas re
  18. thelw na mou dwsete ama mpwreite ligw help sta archid thelw na kanw compile mpwreite na mou dwsete ena kalo GUIDE me archid h na mou eksigisete mereika pragmata exw vrei to GUIDE tou stefoulh15 pou eine polh analitiko alla dn anoigh to eclipse ekei eine to problhma opoios mpwrh na me helparh ligw na kanei ena reply ama geinete na mhn leei mono kane search afto mono re paidia
  19. geia sas tha eithela na mou dwsete kapoio pack pou na exei kapoia fix alla protimw archid ama mpwreite na dwsete kapoio
  20. file egw to eida to lock apo tin stigmh omws pou zhthses help meta tha to evazes san GUIDE ama kapoios sou edeine to CODE
  21. re file eise wraiws esei 1on look afto http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=70383.0
  22. re file eise lathos section
  23. Paidia thelw na me helparete na ftiaksw ston server mou to Critical Error pou eine me to phx dhladh thelw na mou peite pws mpwrw na to fix epeidh kapoih mpenoun reixnoun critical error shnexeia
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