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Everything posted by valtin

  1. Hi there, I have tried to add it to L2j h5 last rev, but without success, my question is, this vote reward script can funtion on l2j h5? thanks
  2. nice, thank you for your share, I will start testing it right now :x
  3. frate.. peste aia nu a dat criza :))) , oricum sa nu comparam Germania cu Romania.. :))
  4. Haha :)) ai mare dreptate, dar.. oricum e si acum.. daca te duci in piata vin astia cu viceroy si mallboro fara filtru :))
  5. mama lor de tigari ;)) as baga adaos de 100% sa nu mai cumpere nimeni ;))
  6. Or you can do this: put your server in ( this is an example, you can put the server anywhere) : /home/yourserverfolder/ here is all the folders (gameserver, login, community..) then, nano start-gameserver and put these commands in it: cd /home/yourserverfolder/gameserver/ && ./startGameServer.sh screen -A -m -d -S l2game tail -f /home/yourserverfolder/gameserver/log/stdout.log then save ctrl+x y . chmod +x start-gameserver run file with command: ./start-gameserver then you can see the log with this command screen -r l2game same with loginserver.. nano start-login and put these commands in it: cd /home/yourserverfolder/login/ && ./startLoginServer.sh screen -A -m -d -S l2login tail -f /home/yourserverfolder/login/log/stdout.log then save ctrl+x y . chmod +x start-login run file with command: ./start-login Please correct me if i wrong with something, because i use this for my server.
  7. good plugins... i will use them on my server :)
  8. Hello, i use the l2jserver T2.2 Stable and i have problem with teleports... Problem: When i teleport with an admin character the teleport take from me adena.. When i teleport with an normal character the teleport don't take adena... i search in Character.prop and i find this ... # Free teleporting around the world. # Default: False AltFreeTeleporting = False Can anybody help me with this? thanks
  9. ohh... please somebody... buffering without this animation have no fun and looks like hell... edit: tell me how to attract attention for somebody to help me.. forget it nobody wants to help me.... edit2: i forget to say ... every time I posted I waited a day to somebody respond Moderated Message: Please don't double-post, use the edit button instead. Members are allowed to double or triple post only if their previous post has exceeded the maximum characters limit. Kindly visit our rules: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=11.0 fakoykas.
  10. hi, thank you for trying to help me but i have already this code... and the characters just take buffs but no animation(dance or something else) .... please if anyone knows...
  11. Happy birthday, have a happy new year and a beautiful girlfriend or wife ;)) :D
  12. House, hip-hop, dance.. the best.. :X
  13. for gracia pt 2 this is the buffer.py ... i us rin4a's buffer import sys from java.lang import System from java.util import Iterator from com.l2jfree import Config from com.l2jfree.gameserver.model.quest import State from com.l2jfree.gameserver.model.quest import QuestState from com.l2jfree.gameserver.model.quest.jython import QuestJython as JQuest from com.l2jfree import L2DatabaseFactory from com.l2jfree.gameserver.datatables import SkillTable from com.l2jfree.gameserver.datatables import ItemTable from com.l2jfree.gameserver.model.actor.instance import L2PcInstance from com.l2jfree.gameserver.model.zone import L2Zone from com.l2jfree.gameserver.network.serverpackets import SetupGauge QUEST_ID = 55555 QUEST_NAME = "NPCBuffer" QUEST_DESCRIPTION = "custom" QUEST_LOADING_INFO = str(QUEST_ID)+"_"+QUEST_NAME NPC_ID = 555555 # ============================================================ # # GLOBAL FUNCTIONS # def getBuffType(id) : # gets buff type (depends of the ID) conn=L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection(None) act = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT buffType FROM buffer_buff_list WHERE buffId=? LIMIT 1") act.setInt(1, int(id)) rs=act.executeQuery() if rs : rs.next() try : val = rs.getString("buffType") conn.close() except : val = "none" try : conn.close() except: pass else : val = "none" return val def isEnabled(id,level) : # check if buff is enabled val = "" conn=L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection(None) act = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT canUse FROM buffer_buff_list WHERE buffId=? AND buffLevel=? LIMIT 1") act.setInt(1, int(id)) act.setInt(2, int(level)) rs=act.executeQuery() if rs : rs.next() try : val = rs.getString("canUse") conn.close() except : val = "0" try : conn.close() except: pass else : val = "0" if val == "1" : val = "True" if val == "0" : val = "False" return val def isUsed(scheme,id,level) : # check if skill is already in the scheme list count = 0 used = False conn=L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection(None) rss = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM buffer_scheme_contents WHERE scheme_id=\""+str(scheme)+"\" AND skill_id=\""+str(id)+"\" AND skill_level=\""+str(level)+"\"") action=rss.executeQuery() while (action.next()) : try : count = count + 1 except : count = 0 try : conn.close() except : pass if count > 0 : used = True else : used = False return used def getVar(optionName): # gets variable from the database conn=L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection(None) act = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT configValue FROM buffer_configuration WHERE configName=\""+optionName+"\" LIMIT 1") rs=act.executeQuery() if rs : rs.next() try : val = rs.getString("configValue") conn.close() except : val = "0" try : conn.close() except: pass else : val = "0" return val # # # ============================================================ # def showText(type,text,buttonEnabled,buttonName,location) : MESSAGE = "<html><head><title>"+getVar("title")+"</title></head><body><center><img src=\"L2UI_CH3.herotower_deco\" width=256 height=32><br>" MESSAGE += "<font color=\"LEVEL\">"+type+"</font><br>"+text+"<br>" if buttonEnabled == "True" : MESSAGE += "<button value=\""+buttonName+"\" action=\"bypass -h Quest " + QUEST_LOADING_INFO + " redirect "+location+" 0 0\" width=100 height=22 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\">" MESSAGE += "<font color=\"303030\">Rin4a's buffer v1.2</font></center></body></html>" return MESSAGE def generateScheme(st) : # generates scheme list HTML: available schemes, scheme management schemeName = [] schemeId = [] HTML = "" conn=L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection(None) rss = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM buffer_scheme_list WHERE player_id="+str(st.getPlayer().getObjectId())) action=rss.executeQuery() while (action.next()) : try : schemeName += [action.getString("scheme_name")] schemeId += [action.getString("id")] except : print "Query error!" try : conn.close() except : pass if len(schemeName) > 0: HTML += "[ Available Schemes ]<br>" i = 0 while i <= len(schemeName) - 1 : HTML += "<button value=\""+schemeName[i]+"\" action=\"bypass -h Quest "+QUEST_LOADING_INFO+" cast "+schemeId[i]+" x x\" width=200 height=25 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\">" i = i + 1 HTML += "<br>[ Scheme Management ]<br>" if len(schemeName) < int(getVar("schemeCount")) : HTML += "<button value=\"Create Scheme\" action=\"bypass -h Quest "+QUEST_LOADING_INFO+" create_1 x x x\" width=200 height=25 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\">" if len(schemeName) > 0 : HTML += "<button value=\"Edit Scheme\" action=\"bypass -h Quest "+QUEST_LOADING_INFO+" edit_1 x x x\" width=200 height=25 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\">" HTML += "<button value=\"Delete Scheme\" action=\"bypass -h Quest "+QUEST_LOADING_INFO+" delete_1 x x x\" width=200 height=25 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\">" return HTML def rebuildMainHtml(st) : # generating main HMTL file MAIN_HTML_MESSAGE = "<html><head><title>"+getVar("title")+"</title></head><body><center><img src=\"L2UI_CH3.herotower_deco\" width=256 height=32><br>" available = True if getVar("vipBuffer") == "True" : if st.getPlayer().getAccessLevel() < int(getVar("vipBufferMinAccessLevel")) : available = False if available == True : if st.getPlayer().isInsideZone(L2Zone.FLAG_PVP) : if int(getVar("pvpMultiplier")) == 1 : MAIN_HTML_MESSAGE += "Zone price multiplier: <font color=\"LEVEL\">OFF</font><br>" else : MAIN_HTML_MESSAGE += "Zone price multiplier: <font color=\"LEVEL\">"+getVar("pvpMultiplier")+"</font><br>" else : MAIN_HTML_MESSAGE += "Zone price multiplier: <font color=\"LEVEL\">OFF</font><br>" if getVar("schemeSystem") == "Enabled" : MAIN_HTML_MESSAGE += generateScheme(st) # generate the new scheme system if getVar("schemeSystem") == "Disabled" : if getVar("enableBuffs") == "True" : MAIN_HTML_MESSAGE += "<button value=\"Buffs\" action=\"bypass -h Quest " + QUEST_LOADING_INFO + " redirect view_buffs 0 0\" width=130 height=20 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\">" if getVar("enableSongs") == "True" : MAIN_HTML_MESSAGE += "<button value=\"Songs\" action=\"bypass -h Quest " + QUEST_LOADING_INFO + " redirect view_songs 0 0\" width=130 height=20 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\">" if getVar("enableDances") == "True" : MAIN_HTML_MESSAGE += "<button value=\"Dances\" action=\"bypass -h Quest " + QUEST_LOADING_INFO + " redirect view_dances 0 0\" width=130 height=20 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\">" if getVar("enableChants") == "True" : MAIN_HTML_MESSAGE += "<button value=\"Chants\" action=\"bypass -h Quest " + QUEST_LOADING_INFO + " redirect view_chants 0 0\" width=130 height=20 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\">" if getVar("enableKamael") == "True" : MAIN_HTML_MESSAGE += "<button value=\"Kamael\" action=\"bypass -h Quest " + QUEST_LOADING_INFO + " redirect view_kamael 0 0\" width=130 height=20 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\">" if getVar("enableSpecial") == "True" : MAIN_HTML_MESSAGE += "<button value=\"Special\" action=\"bypass -h Quest " + QUEST_LOADING_INFO + " redirect view_special 0 0\" width=130 height=20 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\">" if getVar("enableBuffSet") == "True" : MAIN_HTML_MESSAGE += "<button value=\"Buff Set\" action=\"bypass -h Quest " + QUEST_LOADING_INFO + " castBuffSet 0 0 0\" width=130 height=20 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\">" if getVar("enableHeal") == "True" or getVar("enableBuffRemove") == "True" : MAIN_HTML_MESSAGE += "<br>[ Miscellaneous ]<br>" if getVar("enableHeal") == "True" : MAIN_HTML_MESSAGE += "<button value=\"Heal\" action=\"bypass -h Quest " + QUEST_LOADING_INFO + " heal 0 0 0\" width=130 height=20 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\">" if getVar("enableBuffRemove") == "True": MAIN_HTML_MESSAGE += "<button value=\"Remove buffs\" action=\"bypass -h Quest " + QUEST_LOADING_INFO + " removeBuffs 0 0 0\" width=130 height=20 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\">" if st.getPlayer().isGM() : MAIN_HTML_MESSAGE += "<br>[ Administration panel ]<br>" MAIN_HTML_MESSAGE += "<button value=\"Change Configuration\" action=\"bypass -h Quest " + QUEST_LOADING_INFO + " redirect selectConfigSections 0 0\" width=160 height=28 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\">" MAIN_HTML_MESSAGE += "<button value=\"Manage Buffs\" action=\"bypass -h Quest " + QUEST_LOADING_INFO + " redirect manage_buffs 0 0\" width=160 height=28 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\">" else : MAIN_HTML_MESSAGE += "This buffer is only for VIP's!<br>Contact the administrator for more info!<br>" MAIN_HTML_MESSAGE += "<font color=\"303030\">Rin4a's buffer v1.2</font></center></body></html>" return MAIN_HTML_MESSAGE class Quest (JQuest) : def __init__(self,id,name,descr): JQuest.__init__(self,id,name,descr) def onAdvEvent (self,event,npc,player) : st = player.getQuestState(QUEST_LOADING_INFO) htmltext = event currentTime = int(System.currentTimeMillis()/1000) # get current game time ( FOR TIME OUT SYSTEM ) HEADER = "<html><head><title>"+getVar("title")+"</title></head><body><center><img src=\"L2UI_CH3.herotower_deco\" width=256 height=32><br>" FOOTER = "<br><font color=\"303030\">Rin4a's buffer v1.2</font></center></body></html>" STYLE = getVar("style") CONSUMABLE_ID = int(getVar("consumableId")) BUFF_WITH_KARMA = getVar("buffWithKarma") TIME_OUT = getVar("timeOut") TIME_OUT_TIME = int(getVar("timeOutTime")) FREE_BUFFS = getVar("freeBuffs") HEAL_PRICE = int(getVar("healPrice")) BUFF_PRICE = int(getVar("buffPrice")) SONG_PRICE = int(getVar("songPrice")) DANCE_PRICE = int(getVar("dancePrice")) CHANT_PRICE = int(getVar("chantPrice")) KAMAEL_PRICE = int(getVar("kamaelPrice")) SPECIAL_PRICE = int(getVar("specialPrice")) BUFF_REMOVE_PRICE = int(getVar("buffRemovePrice")) ENABLE_HEAL = getVar("enableHeal") ENABLE_BUFFS = getVar("enableBuffs") ENABLE_SONGS = getVar("enableSongs") ENABLE_DANCES = getVar("enableDances") ENABLE_CHANTS = getVar("enableChants") ENABLE_KAMAEL = getVar("enableKamael") ENABLE_SPECIAL = getVar("enableSpecial") ENABLE_BUFF_REMOVE = getVar("enableBuffRemove") MIN_ACCESS_LEVEL = int(getVar("gmAccessLevel")) ENABLE_BUFF_SET = getVar("enableBuffSet") BUFF_SET_PRICE = int(getVar("buffSetPrice")) ENABLE_BUFF_SORT = getVar("sortBuffs") MAX_BUFFS_PER_SCHEME = Config.ALT_BUFFS_MAX_AMOUNT # generated in altsettings.properties SCHEME_BUFF_PRICE = int(getVar("schemeBuffPrice")) SCHEMES_PER_PLAYER = getVar("schemeCount") PVP_ZONE_PRICE_MULTIPLIER = int(getVar("pvpMultiplier")) VIP_ENABLED = getVar("vipBuffer") VIP_MIN_ACCESS = int(getVar("vipBufferMinAccessLevel")) I appreciate your help, thanks edit: i forgot to say the script is not all
  14. can't nobody help me?? :( Moderated Message: Please don't double-post, use the edit button instead. Members are allowed to double or triple post only if their previous post has exceeded the maximum characters limit. Kindly visit our rules: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=11.0 fakoykas.
  15. I think that is www.ch-center.com for me is ok.. btw have quick support :) they help me:)
  16. Hello, I searched this forum and not found anything about it. What i want is, when a character is buffering i want hem to dance.. or something else metter of buff used. I see that on other server.. How can i do that? Thx for help. sorry again my english :)
  17. if you make just bcz you like and for "friends" make one for me :D, just kidding.. nice work
  18. ufffff..... thanx man, i need that...
  19. i can't do that man :D sorry
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