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Everything posted by MrMG

  1. Seems ok but why won't it let me enter your website?
  2. Instant 80 lvl ftw 8)
  3. ye make 100000000000000 servers like this one we wont get bored. Anyway good luck, you'll need it for sure.
  4. Features look nice but the thing with the balanced class is some crap. How can you hope to achieve balance in a java customized shit ? I don't get this part... I don't even wanna join this server cuz i know what'll happen i'll start pwning retards' faces and they'll cry my class is op then comes the admin and fucks up my class.. seen it b4 no thank you have a nice day.
  5. it was opened for tests etc 1 month ago it went live around 14-15 may.
  6. [*]L2 Energy Rates : 5000x Experience [ Custom Leveling system - 2 zones *from 1-60 and *from 60-80 ] 5000x Sp 5000x adena drop rate *Hard Farm system *Hard Enchant system New characters start with 500kk and 20 goldbars. Enchant Rates : Safe Enchant on Weapons/Armors/Jewels : 4 Max Enchant on Weapons/Armors/Jewels : 25 Enchant Rate for : Normal Scrolls = 65% [available in shop] Blessed Scrolls = 80% [availabe in shop] Retail Features : Auto-learn skills. Balanced Classes [We work non-stop, customizing classes so there's no overpowering and everyone can enjoy a blanced gameplay during PvP] Uptime : 100% [server is running on dedicated] Skills work on 95% [some skills still need to be edited but we're expecting feedback from you ingame so we can fix them and achieve balance] Augmentation system fully working. Subclass without quests Olympiad System with weekly heroes [Customized Olympiad, no more endless waiting as soon as you defeat your opponent you get moved back to town so you can register again] *Olympiad Protection : You can't feed yourself - your IP is registered and only 1 character from that IP can enter olympiad. Sieges working perfectly Dueling System Working [ flawlessly ] *Party dueling system working [ flawlessly ] Flawless Geodata + Pathnodes. Custom Features : .:Armors:. -Unique[Customized looking Apella] 1st level armor -Energy[Dynasty] Amor 2nd level armor -Custom Jewels - each one grants ressistance to one of the 4 elements also or grants percentage of m/pdef bow/dagger ressistence. .:Weapons:. -Unique Weapons - Mob weapons, better than S grade [1st level Weapons] -Energy Weapons - Dynasty weapons, better than unique weps [2nd level Weapons] [top] .:Accessories:. -Custom Accessories [2] - Wings Of Destiny Circlet Angelic and Demonic giving some hp/mp/cp and some runspeed -Custom Tattoes - the normal tattos [ avadon,pledge,flame,resolve,soul etc..] -Custom Zones- 6 Farming Areas giving the oppurtunity for everyone to farm. 4 Safe Areas + * Cemetery - PvP zone [ has different types of mob that drop different kind of currency ] *Primeval Isle - PvP/PK zone [ also has all mobs but there are no PK guards there ] * Soon to come - Raid Boss zone -Events-and-GM Events- #DM - Deatch Match #PvP - 1v1 battles #Korean PvP - Korean style of the PvP event #HnS - Hide'n'Seek #FTLI - Find The Lost Item #CTF - Capture the FLAG #RR - Russian Roulette and many, many more .... [When community level rise more zones will be opened] - Auto Events - Still are being reworked but soon they will be implemented. TvT : Team Vs Team CTF : Capture the Flag LMS[DM] : Last Man Standing Dedicated Server : * CPU performance guarantees : 8000 MHz * Cores : 4 * RAM guaranteed : 8,192 MB RAM * Maximum memory : 16 384 MB RAM * Space : 300GB (x2) And many many more you can find only if you log ingame . We hope you give our server a try. Website: http://l2-energy.tk/ [Yes It's a free domain but that doesn't matter we don't need a site nor a forum all the support players can get by pming an online staff member - which are most of the time online] Link for the Patch: http://www.mediafire.com/?yqz8029q2jam95t PS: Server is not mine but It's great... the GMs never stop making changes on server to achieve balance they really do their work... You get answers to every questions you have the community is friendly and everyone is having lots of fun. Hope I see you ingame...;]
  7. Features Before we start with the rates i would like to point out that this server IS NOT A) A money making machine B) A homemade server that will close after a week or so C) A server when you can find corruption or such #Razor Server Features: # Rates: Exp - 250x/ Sp - 250x/ Aden - 250x/ Drop - 5x/ Spoil - 10x.. # Basic: # Client - Interlude. # Custom Items. [NOT GIVING JEDAI STATS] # GM shop. # Augmentations. # Duel system. # Interlude skills (100%). # Npc Buffer. # Interlude geodata. # Buff time 2 (-two) hours. [3rd PROF buffs last 20 minutes from normal buffer and 2 hours from aio buffer ] # Additional: # Ancient weapon. # Assasin,Culcit,Knigt Armor. # Aio Armor that only aios have.. # Subclas doesn't need quest # Nobles - You just have to kill Barakiel # Custom zones. # And other... # Olympiad: Olympiad start works [18:00-22:00] + 2GMT. Olympiad cycle - 1 week [ every Sunday [22:00] + 2GMT. ] The project was founded in 2009-02-05. IGA over time the project evolved until it became a competitor of the other kind of servers. Experience gained in developing different styles of servers allows our team to provide you with what is currently the best. We are delighted that the time you are with us. And do not leave us ... # Server uses dedicated machine with the following specs : Intel Quad Core Q9550. Ram: DDrIII 1600mhz 4x2GB viso: 8GB. Western Digital Raptor 10.000 rpm 150GB. Server providers - Skynet. Website : http://www.l2razor.com/index.html?id=1 PS: The server is not mine , I'm just advertising it for a friend ! :) But it's a nice server !
  8. MrMG


    screenshot cant find it.
  9. MrMG


    So when they announce 1 h before the redeem what? When redeem opens you just go and get what your points allow you to get and then its 100% sure you get it or ?
  10. You had a server before as well right ? it was very nice i hope this one will be good too and i might give it a try since these days im bored from DotA so i might reconseder joining back to l2.
  11. it wont retail calls FBI only when they see a server is making more money they are.
  12. MrMG


    well i just read on google some things and 70% of what i read are people saying that the site is a lie how are you going to defend your site if you're in the staff ?
  13. MrMG


    i already got one no thanks ^^ liar.
  14. MrMG


    what daily question ?
  15. This is awesome for real . I wondered how one of my friends made 10 lvl at his clan so fast I guess that's how well it will most likely work on newbie servers. So i guess you guys should enjoy it and for the topic creator a good job is needed. :].
  16. I used to play but i quitted and started playing DotA . It's a nice server anyway :].
  17. No Maxcheaters will not open a HB server atleast i don't have any info on that. If they do i think it will be Gracia Epilogue.
  18. Why do not serach in the Private server section or just go to l2.hopzone.net where you can se parameters of exp rate for finding a server quickly there are tons of servers matching your preferences its all about seraching tho.
  19. MrMG


    so is it the only way to achieve points by watching vids and friends advertsiing
  20. MrMG


    I am asking if someone from the forum got a prize.
  21. MrMG


    But do they really send the prizes anyone from you got it ?
  22. -.-'
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