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Everything posted by +cs.tribal

  1. Hmmmm! It's good for a begginer like you! And i think it's one of your best! 8/10
  2. Dont use effects on text mate!
  3. [gr]otan einai na milas ellinika baze afta prin grapseis "[gr] @Ontopic Thank you my friend! It's very usefull! I will surely need it!
  4. I didn't follow any tutorial for this one mate!
  5. It's very simple and sucky! Never add blending effect on the text! The sixe is not good! And finaly the bg it's really simple as i said before! 5/10
  6. Really nice mate! But you should make it darker and fix the text's place! 9/10
  7. I love the C.American one! It's awesome! 10/10 The first one is a bit empty on the right side! 8.5/10
  8. LoL! Great idea mate! I will try it on my server!
  9. Awesome again! The kamael race rocks with it! +1 karma!
  10. CriticalError that is like wow! These armors are really awesome!
  11. lol! Sofaki as always rocks! Awesome work sofaki!
  12. Finaly all the wings together! I was planning to do that!
  13. lol! Ontos paidia...prepei na exeis mialo ageladas gia na to pa8eis afto! Phge na mou to kanei kapoios palia...kai ton pedeba misi wra mexri na tou pw oti otan ekleba egw etc aftos den epaize l2! XD
  14. @MasterDisaster It's an anime and movie as sofaki said! And i watched all the anime and the 2 movies and are awesome!
  15. To kserw paidia! Ki egw afto aporw toso kairo pou klebw ka8e noobaki pou bre8ei brosta mou!
  16. LOIPON! Akoma kai se enan nooboserver pou epaiza...to dokimasa kai efaga ban!
  17. Geia sas MaxCheaters!!!! ;D Shmera apofashsa na sas pw ena mikro trick gia na ksegelasete kai na klepsete ili8ious sto l2! Dokimasmeno se C4 server kai sigekrimena ston l2elitex45. As arxhsoume... 1.Briskoume to 8hma mas(kapoion me kalo item alla na fenete noobakos) 2.Ton kanoume party kai tou leme "8es to weapon sou +16?" h "8es na kaneis safe enchant to item sou?"...an deite oti einai noobas kai sas pistebei, sinexizoume. 3.Afou exoume brei to 8ima mas kai ton exoume se party, pame sta options,Game options kai sto "Party Loot" bazoume "By turn". 4.Tou leme na pari ena enchant,1potion kai 2 mana potion(h oti allo mas katebei gia na ton kanoume na to pistepsei). 5.Tou leme na pame kapou makria apo kosmo gia na mhn mas katalaboun. 6.Twra arxizoume to parami8i. 7.Tou leme "bale ena mana potion kai perimene na teliwsei"......"twra bale to ena potion pou peires"....."twra prosexe mhn kaneis kapoio la8os h argiseis, bale to teleftaio mana potion pou sou exei minei kai prin teliwsh, prepei na petakseis to item sou katw kai meta na to mazepseis kai na to kaneis enchant" 8.An arxisei na sas ipopsiazetai pante arketa makria tou kai ka8hste katw...wste na nomizei oti den 8a prolabete na mazepsete to item" 9.An telika ton phsete kai kanei afto pou tou eipate, otan sikwsei to item to 8ima, den 8a to parei aftos, alla eseis logo tou option pou allaksame sthn arxh! Efxaristw! Elpizw na sas aresei kai na sas fanei xrhshmo! (An exei ginei idi post den to hksera...peite to mou!)
  18. I think it was a stock sofaki! Cause it's a bit hard to cut something like that! Anyway! I like it mate! And i specialy like this effect like scratches you added!It make it like it's a old photo! And i think it's a bit emotional ot something! But as always the same text that i dont like too much! so it's 9/10
  19. Oh my gosh! I love this movie/anime! THANK YOU MY DEAR!
  20. Very cool! Just fix your text and it would be awesome!!! 8/10
  21. The bg and the text sucks as Stardom said! whel the whole is is a little fail because even the efect dont stuck with the colors of the render!
  22. Wow! When i created my first site 3 years ago...i made it with ucoz! But it really sucks!
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