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Everything posted by Songer

  1. Mate can you explain how to aply on the IL i undersntand but 80 lvl is max in IL So actualy how the fuck i need to apply 5 more levels on configs and then put the script can you like make a short guide or somthing
  2. Does it work on other for example l2j equal and stuff
  3. nice share but it is already been posted earlier ages ago.
  4. Wow thats a nice share and real funnt bye bye asshole lol :D
  5. 1 Thing with this skin is that one some ways it doesnt show context on items ore quest windows It is bugged and old and crap and it was already on maxcheaters i saw it ages ago so Dont rip make somthing of your own ore even more dont share and if you share give credits to the creator :) But still someone maybe will need that skin but i dont reccomend this so.
  6. Wow nice share keep this up It is so funny Nokia in L2 What else do you want :D Wery good and the texture is really good qualaty cheers mate :)
  7. Devangell™ This program is kind of simple and it does good work i think it is a useful share thx Devangell keep it Up !
  8. Well i just need that some has good and ready files we could do a project ... This is not finished website http://www.l2splash.eu/index.php
  9. I have 20 gb and vps server 200 mbs conection its not nasa you stupid noob
  10. Hello hello hello evryone so i got an idea Looking a person that knows how to create servers well i am my self developer :) so lets get started i am loking for a guy that have good tops some where that we cud have alot of players i can get for free 6gb 8 gb 16gb vps servers from lithuania i have on l2j.lt/topai 16 place it gives me about 500 Online peaple but i want more and stuff so for the staff me 40% 40% 10% advertise and other 10% I want to make a good project not a shit one garantie at start 400 Peaple online from Lithuania ! so write your propositions down here my msn is arnuxas@hotmail.com P.S Profesional web desinger PS4 For 4 year's :) web creating programing 5 years. So no need a web i am going to create it.
  11. Going to see what is all about :) maybe i will share it on my site
  12. Thats cool man keep up the good guides and no i dont have any problems with my sql so
  13. hmmm i seen somewhere this share but good thx man p.s old stuff
  14. Waiting for [iL] Version :) keep it up critical p.s going to post on my website la2base.lt credits for you crit
  15. Hey man when you goonna share more of your works
  16. Nothink special i think but keep up maybe one day you make a good desing
  17. nice share dude it looks okey just like i want it its got all info and stuff good work
  18. No problem :)
  19. Good quostion but the code is that first you have to push vote image to unlock enter img url then u can enter if you dont want to vote for it in tops just dont :D
  20. wrong section man
  21. Not bad but already seem them share on ct2.3
  22. ye dude thx it might be useful for some peaple
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