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Everything posted by gregorytso

  1. i vote SA beucase i think it has the best missions and gameplay
  2. I think my first game was Crash 1 on PS1 ::)
  3. I vote for Mozila Firefox because its the best for me i usually use it!
  4. Great man Edit:nice now i saw it!!
  5. Euxaristo pedia den to ixera kapios na to lock
  6. Loipon to posts counter mou leei 21 posts.Omos sto profile kapou leei show my posts deixnei eos to aritho 26 gt?
  7. Hello man have a long and nice stay to our forum read our forum rules and have fun!
  8. Welcome to our community Read our rule and enjoy your stay!!
  9. Welcome to our forum man read the rules and have fun here
  10. Psifisa mafia gt o core eine gematos bugs kai bots,ala oxi oti o mafia einai kai ''kalos'' server full stous donators
  11. I vote No,obviously ::) becayse i think this game has child graphicks the characters looks like cartoons :P But the Gameplay is good ;D
  12. Good Job man i like all glows but i think the best is +26 to +30 keep going
  13. I vote GTA because i love all GTA series and this is a very good game
  14. I vote Interlude the best chronicle for me!!
  15. Nice share but not many diferents from the real C4 weapons
  16. Pio kalos mou fenete o Adventurer gt kalitera apolous auton ksero na pezo
  17. I think it was Grand The Auto:San Andreas :'(
  18. Bravo!!Poli analitiko kai xrisimo kalo tha itan gia sticky.Thanks pados :)
  19. Egi psifizo GamersHell giati exo katevasei pio poles fores kai einai kai ligo pio grigoro
  20. I like every signature Nice job continue good work ;)
  21. Haha nice videos!!but is it yours??
  22. Mmmm tha evaza: =GM=Freddie =GM=Gregorytso =GM=Blacksoul =GM=Greg Apla
  23. 1)FrozenEmpire 2)HeroesReborn 3)DragonSlayers 4)UndedPaladins That names i have
  24. Ego sinithos clan leader i clan member ala psifisa clan Leader
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