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About MaraZmo

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Country
    Costa Rica

MaraZmo's Achievements


Newbie (1/16)

  • Dedicated Rare
  • Week One Done Rare
  • One Month Later Rare
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  1. Hello! What server are you playing?
  2. Hello Mr Apo! Is this still up? Are you guys still playing?
  3. Was a joke? If it was, was not a nice one
  4. Great tutorial, I'm gonna give it a try!
  5. Would like a server like this too
  6. Ahahaha I'm new in LoL but the firts day are always the best
  7. A friend of mine plays very well with Zed, he started watching ranked games to get some knowledge and now he is very good playing it
  8. Excellent, this guy Karma made me laugh like hell with those notepad tricks lol Great job people!
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