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Everything posted by susqect

  1. she dekarma me! hahaha OH NOOO! I'm DYINGGG!
  2. i think this topic should be closed, ziom won and that biach should use "female version of photoshop" haha put it in your face and shut up girl! btw, what NORMAL girl waste time on forum like that? :D
  3. Girl u sux u dont care of rules? LOL? girl u are really strange... and some interesting thing here: this is my friend sig, very similar to your.. upload your psd file or u are just a ripper my vote go to ziom, lighting is amazing and made in really short time, i sended u pm ziom, reply pls :) counting votes Goddess: 0 CяAzYzIoM™: 4
  4. I heard that you have a few new loading screens :D When Update? ^^
  5. Votes are compared :D Keep voting :)
  6. Hello, it's interesting what Server type and what rates are most wanted now. Vote or post Your propositions :)
  7. WOW! awards and logo is so fukin awesome! :D no stupid jumping letters like present logo >:(
  8. WOW, they are great! the best from all MxC forum! ps. i've sended you PM, hope you will reply asap :D
  9. God damn this is best custom mask what I'v ever seen here!
  10. for me stupid idea, increasing pvp amount by item? woot! it's the same as editing char by gm... get pvp points by making pvps, not by item lol!
  11. Hello, As we all know, Interlude Interface is a lil bit old, and ugly comparing to Gracia. Changing UI? Very easy! You just need to replace one file to get in Interlude Client Windows and Buttons looks like on Gracia. ;) But what about Font? Can I have on Interlude in game font like Gracia have ???
  12. best share with messages colors what i ever saw! program rox to! but damn it, why not for interlude? xD using program and saving for interlude it have some problems, for example don't show buff names, and some on-screen displayed texts... just don't display on screen :/
  13. amazing, it looks great, PRO! maby add original blue armors to complete a superman? xD
  14. already posted, using searching doesn't hurt you! http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=49634.0
  15. haha great share xD its so funny xD Ugly Dwarfs as mobs ^^
  16. yes all that problems was solved long time ago, u just need to patch it to your pack, or if u are too lazy to learn and compile, u need to wait until some1 will do it for u. quests problem? scroll up
  17. compile by yourself, lazy pff
  18. wadafaaaak dudee!? wtf is this?
  19. I hope it will be better than L2Dot, cause dot sucks, their skills are creepy as hell, unalanced and many don't work as it should... pluses: (+) many custom settings that other packs didn't have (+) great idea to mix settings from others pack and put in one - u can turn on or off any options what u want minuses: (-) based on l2dot double (-) crappy skills (skills are most important!) (-) low security GL with project
  20. great work! It looks awesome! Thx a lot and keep going!
  21. 1st. "to see how... am I"? watch for your words... 2nd. "official interface"? wtf are you talking about dude?
  22. agree, this pack is one of the best packs (after fix some bugs :P)
  23. *UPDATE* founded other bugs: - sometimes u can't wear armors "conditions problem" and u must change sub to wear it - trade chat don't work
  24. after some weeks of testing this pack, i found a lot of bugs, days spended to fix a lot of things, like skills - after your update petmezis, they works but not as they should, here is list of founded shits: - when u try to augment, sometimes window to do it is all black - working on it - augment skills - a lot of skills didi't work - fixed - u can have as many augment skills on you as u want - need add stuck option to fix - almost fixed - olympiad - player restart in oly and don't lose points - working on it - skills - a lot of them work as they shouldn't, wrong powers, wrong success rates, and some skills bugged, for example madness - if u get it u are paralyzed, must restart to move, - all the time working on skills - unbalanced as hell - mages give shit not damage, with 18k m.atk of atacker and 1.8k m.def of defender, mage hit him 300, 500? wtf... - working on balance classes - mobs in dino island gave spell force and battle force forever -fixed - tvt was wrong - ppl can tp to coli and buff/hit joined players - i had to change place to fix it - when u buff/heal your summon, all players get window with quests info... what the hell... - working on it - hmm, what else... i dont remember, if i get back my memory or find new, ill update post except that list, pack still is great ;) i hope petmezis will make some updates, includes fixes for bugs from my list :) greetings
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