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Everything posted by lazos1993

  1. THis bug has been posted again before... P.S :it is working good :D,just get an OL with u or a WC
  2. but it is on 32 bit......
  3. When i open that i get a message:The system is unavailable to run on 16 bit... Sry i got greek windows so it's not the real message.... What i must do??
  4. ok it is already removed Ty for help
  5. it's too complicated ^_^
  6. dn doulebei stous perisoterous server...
  7. tixh einai tpt parapanw P.s : DN YPARXEI BUG/PROGRAM GIA 100% SAFE ENCHANT>>
  8. brute is working but u need to know the user's ID
  9. http://s1.gladiatus.gr/game/c.php?uid=30161 <--- Click there... You won't lose anything..it is a game and if u click there i take gold in the acnt i got there :D so click click click click ^^
  10. Ye they got too good protection :/ i hope someone succed to make one
  11. Ayto dn doulebei mono e gold alla kai stou perisoterous server :D
  12. Guys,i think i got a keylogger in my pc,or a program that can see my psw....Do u know any way to see if i realy have one and how to remove it?
  13. Noone can post a guide?
  14. Can anyone tell me how to make a ventrilo server?
  15. Nice antharas exploit
  16. that's an imba tool :D
  17. In ES i was playing u get heal/buff remove when u get teleported in arena.not when 25 or 20 seconds reamin..so it dont work
  18. Fash exoun ta video
  19. Very usefull program
  20. u need 5 chars to join the same time class based for the game to begin,,,
  21. this isnt an exploit rly
  22. The only acnt that is good that u told me is the necro with the EE sub.all other are low lvl :/
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