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Everything posted by Fulgore

  1. To all the ppl who want to make successfull servers, please read this guide! I know it's an old topic but the servers that come out nowadays are just FULL CRAP, ffs. Nekys godamit, Y U NO MAKE SOME HIGH RATES WITH YOUR OLD EPILOGUE FILES D: was damn nice!!
  2. That's way enough to keep me far from it. Star Wars enchant values and different +max...
  3. Okay I've tried this server and and here's my opinion: - The main concept is pretty fine; - The server lags every 5 mins and it's empty; - GMShop misses some stuffs. -> nice ideas there but u (gm/admin/dev) rly should come online to check the stuffs and remove that shout restriction before lvl 40 (my char is lvl 60 so that's not the problem) and enable alt+b, and ofc fix the stuffs.
  4. A 1-post-dude striked again. Back to topic, the features are nice except the ench/attrib rates. I don't wanna farm 65535 hours to keep up with ancient players. Will be no for me ._.
  5. So basically we gotta do 17 lucky enchants (if blessed are hard to get) before we start elementing and augmenting (else it's a waste) hm?...
  6. I still see nuffin' about buffs slots. iMad.
  7. how about the buffs slots? why does everyone forget to tell about the slots? -.-"
  8. Fail common (and old) website with HP in spanish, no forum, we still dunno the enchant rates/max/safe, we don't know anything about the "- Special MP System!" nor the custom currency and farm zones and teh site u linked takes ages to load and redirects us to http://l2ownage.myvnc.com/index-2.html. Improve your work before posting a half developped website. Now about the rest it looks pretty good (what has been announced). Dunno if u'll change the small issues before we all lose any kind of interest tho. Good luck anyway, I hope u'll do smth good so I'll finally have a server where to spend time..
  9. Fulgore


    The server is awesome, easy and fast farm. Joiiiin to give it a try.
  10. Fulgore


    Sounds rly good + nice chronicle choice.
  11. Why do u make a different +max for weapon? +16 weapon and +20 jewels/armors :/ The rest looks fine though.
  12. This looks promising. Waiting for the obt to end. Waiting more for the mid/high one though. Freya off files <3
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