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Everything posted by killer_007

  1. Very good, i would say amazing... latest authenticator ;D But i have some... questions (maybe noobish... anyway, help if you can :P) 1. Isn't supposed these versions of l2walker to work on C5? The only C5 servers are java (exept 2, supreme and world if i am not wrong). So how can some1 use it? 2. It will work for C4? (I will try it alone and i will find out, but i can't atm, i tried using C5 IG bot for C4 but didn't work). 3. Did some1 test it? (I would do but i have some serious things atm :P) Ya know, as long as someone lives, he learns ;D (The best topic for today at least)
  2. Koita pws paei to prama... Heavy: Tallum ~> PvE dld mobakia solo... NightMare ~> PvP me mago... Majestic ~> PvP me fighter stunniari... Light: DC ~> PvE pali ASSISTANCE oxi solo... den exeis skill outos h allos, exei kai ligotero p. def apo heavy ara se 5 mobs thes 10 pots. Pt h healer apo pisw asap! Tallum ~> An poulas dancakia kai den exei mana pots, an eisai se pt kai kaneis ligo pve kai koitas mono to dance, ara thes kathe 2' dance Gia mena, heavy sets kai tallum kirios... an o fighter den exei stun h o mystic sleep/root (h exeis ressist shock, mental antistoixa) tote TALLUM FTW... alliws epilegeis to katalilo PvP set :)
  3. Yeah that's what i'm talking about in Greek... As for the Greek section... oups, i saw the post and didn't look if it was english or greek, my mistake too!!! :-[ soz
  4. hihihihihi.... Oxi apla mila mou... Tha dw tilepathitika to minima kai tha bw... apla mila ;D @nitrous yeap, etsi einai... :-X
  5. Tote.. allazei to prama mallon, kala egw padws tha ston kanw teleport kai mou les... checkare se 10' exw douleia atm
  6. Geodata bug, pff... Nai, se olous tous java an peseis sto shmeio afto (px. eksw apo gludin, varka, kai kati alla) trws ena wraiotato critical. Dwse to char name kai tha se vgalw apo kei apo tin db... (ehm, iparxei pm system...)
  7. Mporeis kalista na xrisimopoieisis http://www.maxbastards.gr/forum/index.php?topic=3235.0 afto... Afto to post ennoei o mewmew... ta arxeia afta tou ta eixa dwsei egw giati den epeze to diskw ;) Apla parelipse to bot step kai eisai GG...
  8. Try version 10.6.6 it works perfectly. I had some problems with 10.7.x too. Also, you checked the NPC NAME display block option, didn't you? :P Also, you could add a TAG [HELP] or whatever, or post it to the correct section at least... No offense but damn, it's the 10th time i write the same thing today, and more than 10000 times here...
  9. ARGH POSES FORES THA TO POUME DLD IPARXEI HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELP SECTION KAI TAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAG. Sorry gia ta caps, alla mou peftoun ta mallia bradiatika dld... Pio liana den mporeis na to peis? dld kana account tou server? Tha faei delete pou leme? :P Apo to characters table, pata to SEARCH iparxei idi ena tetoio topic. An ennoeis tpt exiga to kalitera... Soz pou ta exw parei, alla mas kanete kai ta pernoume edw mesa, deite kai tin wra...
  10. Download it using my guide in this section :P (with eclipse)
  11. Old revision, use latest l2jfree revision ;) It works (as i know, all sieges included goddard and innadril). Test it ;D
  12. Make a photo in photoshop and give it here, it's much easier, faster, and you would like it more, to post your ss here for the file. But, if you get a critical, give the critical (i'm sure you added wrong DTX version or you didn't encrypted it back).
  13. The firefox page isn't needed for something, it's justs pops-up because apache/mysql/php systems are starting. Avoid it. The wrong file size is caused by a servers protection system, or because of your PC, the broswer page is normal. After that, it goes to the help section. Use search, i have seen a way to fix that error (and i think it works). You need to rename some files. Anyway, i'm not sure (i haven't used it :P).
  14. Are you sure that you have java SDK installed, and you configured eclipse to use it...? http://img126.imageshack.us/my.php?image=guide13cf6.jpg
  15. Just upgrade your server, you don't need to mess with codes etc. And use the search button, it was answered some months ago on a topic here...
  16. 1) Not even to the correct section x.x 2) Nice that you remembered to use the tag, but the tag is [Request] 3) There isn't... All C5 Servers ARE JAVA, and there isn't any l2walker for java. You can still use http://www.maxbastards.gr/forum/index.php?topic=2542.0 <~ this, which is in front of your eyes...!!! If ya know how to make a script for this, otherwise... go to the official forum of this bot and learn how ;) There is a button @ any forum/site/webpage (whatever you call it) named SEARCH, use it for God's SHAKE!!! There are 20 topics for the same subject and 20 answers...
  17. http://img126.imageshack.us/my.php?image=guide7vr4.jpg look at the photo x.x Just a typo (i had used eclipse before so i didn't need to press on that cross). Well, if you had seen the picture you would have seen that we have to CLICK ON THE CROSS AT SVN, so a new drop menu will appear with SVN REPOSITORY option.
  18. Welcome, killer_007. Private Messages: 0 Unread, 276 Total. Total time logged in: 11 days, 1 hours and 11 minutes. ^^
  19. Yeah? Do you have evidence? At least, i respect the people who write some things, because i do write guides and shares, and i always give proper credits where needed, so if you don't have proof, if you don't like me, if you don't know what i do share, if you can't explain how i know some things that you do not know (because you are egoist, or because of immaturity) IN YOUR LIFE YOU CAN NEVER - EVER accuse somebody if you don't have EVIDENCE. Is that clear? Instead of being so useless, try helping some people and not just go around and say <<omfg noob, come on i can do it, you thief!>>. I learned these things from somewhere, and that doesn't mean i don't respect the people who were teaching for my 3 years of knowledge in l2j, i learned all these things i share with you from those people, i respect their work and their face, but as i respect them i want some people to respect me for my work.
  20. To the templates, let's say a class has 110 speed... change it to 130 for example... Do the same for all the classes. I had a SQL command for this, but i'm not to my PC.
  21. In the panter's server pack i think, i have all of his files (or i think so, i have one file named textures panter but i don't know if they are these :P). Try downloading his pack, and searching on the web for the textures folder (it's over 900mb, crazy data size for uploading with 196kbps upload). And wtf, FOR GOD'S SHAKE, i asked for adding that f*cking request help section because of the fact that this section was 90% spam, 5% guides, 5% shares... And some people continue spamming it...? If ya don't know, some posts like this caused the lose of one of my friends, and great mod here, AND YOU, continue doing the same? (The <<you>> doesn't refer to you personally, i use the second plurar type...). I think that this deserves not only not to answer, but also a ban... Sorry for that burst of anger but i wanted to say that...
  22. 1) View guides... they are stickied, there is a row in each buff/song/dance, which sets the duration time... 2) Execute the sql files... And edit the __init__.py for the npc buffer too...
  23. Hello every1, i want some help :P Could anybody help me how to find the token on a server without protection? It's a C4 server and i play there over 2 months (and not L2J) and i want to set up OOG walker (as IG walker is a little bit slow, i don't have any problem, but it would help) for healing. Could anybody help me? I know the way with the proccess etc. (posted by maxtor) but it seems not to work... Any other method? Thx! ;)
  24. E, den to piases :P Den eipe oti doulevoun, apla to topic to ekane gia tous epidoxous spammers pou limenode to forum... Ta IG den doulevoun se kamia periptwsi (TG kai e-global) ara...
  25. Kalitera na mhn grafteis katholou giati an ksanaxaseis... :P An thimame kala, nomizw oti gia mia bdomada den mporeis... Twra... koita den thimame akribws... gia des parakatw kati apo ta dio einai Register - paizeis kanonika catacomb Exases Den paizeis gia mia bdomada - Register - paizeis Register - paizeis kanonika catacomb Exases Den paizeis gia mia bdomada - Gia allh mia no register - register - paizeis Nomizw to prwto an den me gela h mnimi mou... Des ston priest ti sou leei...
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