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About POGO

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  1. i'v hear that aion suckz a bit at endgame, i'm still counting on L3 but... how long will we have to wait :<
  2. i choose mafia cuz of great mafia 1st
  3. btw. do u guys know how to play nazi zombies in COD MW2 ??
  4. if u belived in this sh!tty story then u are more dumb then one who wrote that ^_^
  5. lololol, go for jedi weapons !
  6. oh noes he lied to us !!!!111one anyway... srv starts in 22 hours so gl and i hope there will be nice online ;]
  7. l2net 384 is working now on graciafinal.ru ?
  8. yea, dust was one of good looking but crapy serv... every adena that i botted i spend for failed enchants -,-'
  9. played there for a short time... didnt like this serv... just didnt had that "something" :/
  10. yea, kamael 2h weapon > all http://img7.imageshack.us/img7/8011/shot00926.jpg <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
  11. pfc blessing... why should any class needed Gift when critics are so OP?
  12. where the hell is Doombringer ?-,-'
  13. a few weeks ago i was playing on great server with mod with maany races and skills where u can exp, lvl, buy new skills etc. ...but i forgot name of this serv and i dont have him it my favorites now :( maybe someone know this serv? or maybe similar to my description?
  14. yea... but what with performance? probably you need better PC to get same FPS on linux with that emulation... i'll just stay with my crappy and unsafe Win XP where i can play L2 with no problems ;]
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