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Everything posted by Мăŝ†ếřǾƒРụрр솚

  1. Hmm thnx for that! it is realy usefull
  2. Gia disk w milaw kai oxi gia ucoz... LOL IL=Internet Explorer.... h opoiodipote allo browser xrhsimopoieis..
  3. hmm dn nomhzw... mou leei oti 1 reguired artifact is missing paides to gs 8elw na kanw compile... alla prwti fora mou bgazei tetoio error... kamia allh idea?
  4. Kalhmera paides, exw ena mikro problhma ka8e fora pou kanw compile tin teleutaia ekdosi tou l2JFree IL. Rikste mia matia stin photo kai peite mou tin apopsi sas. http://img16.imageshack.us/my.php?image=compileerror.png An dn fenetai katebastetin :S Dn mporw na kanw zoom. Perimenw apantisi sas, thnx in advance.
  5. Hmm loipon prepei afou exeis ftiaksei tin static ip na pas sto gameserver/config/server loginserver/config/loginserver Ekei 8a baleis tin static ip sou kai sto ls kai sto gs. Meta apo auto 8a anikseis IE kai dwse url. px l2Platinum.no-ip.biz... An dn katalabes kati kane reply.
  6. Well is good but you must make something more colorfull...
  7. Nice share man! thnx!
  8. well man when you make a share. Make it full with Pic and links... We dont need an intro...
  9. Nice share man! :P Keep on ripping..
  10. Thnx man! Eixa ksexasei ti kaname meta to convert! Keep oN!
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