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Everything posted by Kurogane

  1. thx for sharing, i needed it for new CT
  2. thx for the armor's skin, but as saied akalamatala, you can do what ether you want with stats. anyway, nice work
  3. downloded, and ready to install, thx, great work
  4. Nice, and it make a good guide for newb.
  5. I would like to get some screen....some color looks stranges
  6. need more retails....sorry, but not so nice :s Anyway, thx for share !
  7. nice, but not enought about L2 (juste my feeling :x) Anyway, thx for shar
  8. PSD isn't so important...anyway, good job
  9. One more beautiful, now i don't know wich one tu use for myself.... anyway, thx
  10. Item for location, it's quite strange....but anyway
  11. not so bad for a simple test ^^
  12. good job, but i've seen "bigbow" but no "normal" bow ?
  13. Great and working on all version (with the good toll editor) Thx
  14. I start L2 with Shilen Templar and i thought it was the best Class....Noob attitud...Now i tried all tanks..Paladin rocks for PVE, RB and Party (TvT) but Shilen Templar stay the best in PvP 1VS1
  15. Magnus ! I tried a day PoW ...But i died very fastly......it was a noob in L2 but i never tried PoW since xD
  16. Thx for answer anyway it's a nice
  17. It's look great but...swords are moving like Zaken's Swords ? O.O
  18. Nice Share great! ...but...i'm maybe want to much about it..i would like to change Haircut when a character have this item equiped. Maybe it work for you but it don't word for me. So if it's really a mistack from me, what file do it please >.< Thx
  19. A friend saied me "with L2, Everything is possible"...So when i'll have more time i'll try to do something with this ^^'
  20. Wonderfull ! thx for this Share i'll test it on our server
  21. Great job ! but if anybody find the solution for riding it like a Wyvern (riding on the back and not the a**) :x
  22. Anyway if we don't have enought post it's easy to understun, Thx for the guide it help against one Bug exploit more ^^
  23. OMG i was looking for it so much ! Gratz !
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