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Everything posted by engle

  1. Doesn't work on L2spot. Cannot change subclass while skill is in use.
  2. Hey, I didn't know about this. :) It's very useful on crap L2J servers. Going to use this.
  3. POW fanbois, remember that you can have a max of 20% magic crit chance at any time. Magnus ftw.
  4. This is a 2 year old thread, why bring it up now? Now if you TIE during the olympiad, BOTH players LOSE points. Method #3 sucks now.
  5. Thanks, before I read this guide everyone was making fun of my skills as a pro BD. Now I'm perfectly happy making their lives miserable. :)
  6. Yes, you have to work quite a lot to obtain Crystals through common craft in Gracia continent. It's very hard, and crystals also don't have 100% success rate. GL getting to level 7 on low rate servers :) I also have a question: Is level 7 max or is more possible?
  7. BTW, just a reminder, this doesn't work in Gracia anymore. NCsoft changed the way reuse works so that it's not affected by attack speed anymore. Weapons and buffs that increase atk speed don't affect reuse. This works perfectly well on ALL c1-hellbound servers though.
  8. This isn't useful at all, even if the server gives you the possibility to do it your dmg to the raid will be crap, it takes a lot of time to do it. Since it's so custom, get a DD and a healer with you and kill it in 2 minutes.
  9. Tested on Gracia Final, doesn't work. Tried it with a friend, so we hit the buttons at the same time.
  10. Ah, finally, it doesn't work anymore :) Almost all L2J server have customized geodata (not for mobs, but for players) so this doesn't work! I hated this exploit.
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