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Everything posted by d0ds™

  1. I can adopt it, I just need a animation for freya :) or something not Interlude :)
  2. On topic I like it.. maybe you can use it as Agathion.. Please make it for me for Freya :)
  3. A combination of original texture of Vesper and Vorpal TexPan and a little masking..
  4. Hi guys! I need your help to name this new armor I modified! See the video TY!
  5. I like vorpal why is it not in the poll?? vorpal armors are the most sophisticated armor L2 ever had...
  6. high or mid, easy play :) I don't want to stay server all time
  7. Hi, I was wondering why Vorpal don't have weapon set that could blend to the armor it self, so I made one! See the video ------------------------------------------------------------- Check this out! Pic credit: d0ds™ , NCSoft for the textures...
  8. maybe that color I choose is the most related color I choose to the name of it "Baionic"
  9. you need === SDK 7 === SilkSVN download here ----> http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/java-se-jdk-7-download-432154.html http://www.sliksvn.com/en/download
  10. Hi, less talk see the video :) Texture Name: dods.zariche_lava if you have a request for adoption please let me know! Download Here zip password: d0ds credits: d0ds™
  11. Its nothing special, but if you didn't see the eyes are blinking.. watch video again :)
  12. Hi, I want to re-share my weapon set called Baionic Weapons! hope you like it Preview Pic Video Preview Download Here zip password: d0ds credit: d0ds™
  13. If you have a KR L2 GoD, then you can update that from the Korean server directly and you can take some of their stuff on that client, over write the system with the GoD English Version. P.S. thanks for share, maybe I wanna try adopt to other chronicles..
  14. nice nice! I really like your work, and you make them all open source :-)) keep it up! thanks for share btw.
  15. maybe this is wrong topic @ wrong section
  16. you have a point but still Vorpal armor is still my favorite not the color of it, but the lava animation on it! P. S. I think Vorpal Armors are the most sophisticated armor ever created by the NCSoft :)
  17. Hi, I had been practicing java for L2, and I made some simple mod, I have no idea if this mod is existed, but here it is start here add this to l2mods.properties # Announce Noble Char AnnounceNobleChar = True @Config.java find this public static int L2JMOD_WEDDING_DIVORCE_COSTS; and add this after public static boolean ANNOUNCE_NOBLE_LOGIN; and find this L2JMOD_ENABLE_WAREHOUSESORTING_PRIVATE = Boolean.valueOf(L2JModSettings.getProperty("EnableWarehouseSortingPrivate", "False")); and add this after ANNOUNCE_NOBLE_LOGIN = Boolean.parseBoolean(L2JModSettings.getProperty("AnnounceNobleChar", "False")); @EnterWorld.java find this if (Config.L2JMOD_ALLOW_WEDDING) { engage(activeChar); notifyPartner(activeChar,activeChar.getPartnerId()); } And add this after if(Config.ANNOUNCE_NOBLE_LOGIN) { if(activeChar.isNoble()) Announcements.getInstance().announceToAll("Noble: " + activeChar.getName() + " has been logged in."); } I made it my self so, the credit is for me :)
  18. thanks for share! btw, if active char is Master Access can I change the scheme of the buff, ingame?
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