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Everything posted by d0ds™

  1. I don't post this thread to criticize.. as you can see in my subject [share]. about the hide post.. you think this forum will stay for a year if the hide is not exist?? btw.. 500 hide maybe emo. but I want hide it like that.. so whats your problem with that?? if Moderator see its wrong to hide 500, they are free to change it. Edit. so whats the point. I didn't mention any thing about you.. so stop talking.. I read all your post.. and all nega for all the guys here.. this is community for all free man, you don't need to tell some ones not or yes... give a damn way for each people want to pass through.. CRAB
  2. oh yea.. you will need to export all tga's and make new set of armor again.. yea its easy.. I cannot change hide count.. P.S. Mind your own business...
  3. Hi all, I decided to share one of my pack. this is Faunus Armor Set for all races with head gear and cloak. Update please see the change log. Video Preview Picture Preview Online Picture Change Log (Feb. 24, 2012) Credits: d0ds™
  4. Hi, I dont know if this share is existed. Download
  5. well actually you will need to rescale it if you want it to H5.. texture is just always optional.. the thing is the animation ;)
  6. hi all! guys any one can tell me what have I missed on this?? please see the video as you can see the video.. the original helmet, I change the texture and work fine, but the other helmet with the same texture but different ID it doesn't work properly.. please please help!
  7. easy, just download their patch and take the texture from their patch done...
  8. the death zariche is look familiar, nice adoptions.. thanks for share!
  9. wrong section.. go to request.. edit: put the thread link.. for check...
  10. lol, nice one! added to my collection :) ty for share. p.s. where is my Lilith ??
  11. you will need to provide what chronicles you are working on, so that we can provide the accurate or related answer to your question..
  12. I found this from L2 Media To get those skill's ID's go to skillname-e.dat and search. freya skillsAura Blast lineage 2 freya new skills Level 81 Consumption MP:145 Inflicts non-attribute damage on the target and the enemies around it using 141 Power added to M.Atk and restores MP. Adds 58 power in PvE . freya skillsAura Cannon Level 83 Consumption MP:123 Inflicts non-attribute damage on the target using 178 Power added to M.Atk and restores MP. Adds 124 power in PvE . lineage 2 freya new skills Aura Blast as Aura Cannon magic skills, and can regain a certain amount of MP. However, single-target spell, and the relatively short range attacks. Cast time is short because the amount of MP recovered solo can be useful to proceed. Various properties of the magic attacks more than the class wizard series Soul Hound (male) or Soul Hound (female) more efficient use of class is expected to be. freya skillsArcane Shield Level 83 Consumption MP:112 Decreases received damage by 90% for 10 seconds, constantly consuming MP. If MP goes to 0, the effect disappears lineage 2 freya new skills Arcane Shield damage the player receives 10 percent of the remaining 90 percent to reduce damage to the MP consumption is turning defensive skills. Arcane Shield is active, for example, the state receives 90 to 100 damage and compensate the damage, 10, 10, damage is reduced by an MP . Arcane Shield is active, thus substantially if the state of MP has also been the target of an attack before the HP all-consuming at all, is not consumed.Reuse is a very useful skill to use the time because you can not take five minutes, often, at a critical moment, let's use. freya skillsDimension Spiral Level 40 Consumption MP:134 User's M. Atk. is supplemented by 98 Power to inflict damage on an enemy. Adds 109 power in PvE. lineage 2 freya new skills Dimension of the spiral of attacks on a single target is magic. Secondary pet from a distance and continue the fight to the very efficiency of the Summoner skill reuse time is relatively long, but so difficult for use focus magic side.Certainly enough to damage because of its good for solo play can be useful. Only monsters more damage and, PC include a relative decrease damage Note that because the use. freya skillsSharing Ability Level 83 Consumption MP:35 Summoner's ability transfers to your pet, increasing P.Atk/P.Def by 50%, M. Atk/M.Def by 25%, HP/MP by 10% . lineage 2 freya new skills The sharing abilities to your pet part of the Summoner's ability to transfer skills, the Summoner's ability to have different abilities depending on the transition. Summoner's wearing a device according to the figures in heavily because of metastatic ability, your pet attacks have different forms depending on the equipment should be worn to great effect can be achieved. freya skillsChain Heal Level 83 Consumption MP:194 Recovers HP by 30% for target and 10 friendly targets nearby . The amount of restored hp will get less the more hurt the person being healed is.Consumes 4 spirit Ores. lineage 2 freya new skills Applies to allies around the target skill is recovering.Casting skills of low strength in the surrounding spiked up to 10 up to 30% of HP is restored.HP did not recover a certain amount, the maximum amount of HP restored, because the party is very useful when you can play. freya skillsMass Cure Poison lineage 2 freya new skills Level 76 Consumption MP:83 Cures party members from the severe poison condition . freya skillsMass Vitalize lineage 2 freya new skills Level 76 Only Eva saint Consumption MP:193 Restores the HP of all party members by 796 power and cures severe poison / bleeding. freya skillsMass Purify lineage 2 freya new skills Level 76 Only Shillien Saints Consumption MP:83 Cancels party members paralysis / petrification state and cures party members severe poison / bleed condition. freya skillsResist Earth Level 60 Only Prophets Consumption MP:39 Increases resistance to earth attacks by 20 for 20 minutes. lineage 2 freya new skills Resist Earth 20 minutes to target resistance to earth attacks and increases the property. Actual utilization of high-skill, but not as high as resist Earth update of the additional four properties, increased resistance has had all the skills. freya skillsChant of Elemental Level 76 Only Doomcryers Consumption MP:2 For 20 minutes, increases all party member's elemental resistance by 20. lineage 2 freya new skills Elemental Chant Of all the party members for 20 minutes and 20 properties of the elements is to increase the skill.Integrated skills series, the effect is the same Prophets skills. freya skillsWhisper of Battle Level 60 Only Swordsingers Consumption MP:30 For 2 minutes user's P. Atk is increased by 15%, Critical Power by 10%, and Atk. Speed by 10%. Increases MP consumption when singing while sing/dance effect lasts lineage 2 freya new skills Whisper of Battle skills as a song-like, two minutes with their critical attack power, attack speed, skill is increasing. Song skills, but only because they apply their own hunting party, when the utilization is very low.However, low damage, the attack less skill to terms of number of solo play much fell in the effectiveness of The Sword Singer was able to compensate some shortcomings. freya skillsDeadly Bite Level 40 Only Swordsingers Consumption MP:83 Attacks the target with 4640 Power added to P.Atk . lineage 2 freya new skills Resist Earth 20 minutes to target resistance to earth attacks and increases the property. Actual utilization of high-skill, but not as high as resist Earth update of the additional four properties, increased resistance has had all the skills.
  13. you have to declare the 2 or 3 database including the community server. and to the next codes, complex coding will be need to join the databases query.. example <?php $db_user = "root"; $db_pass = "pass"; $db_name_gs = "l2jgs"; $db_name_ls = "l2jls"; $db_name_cs = "l2jcs"; $db_serv = "adress"; $res = mysql_connect ( $db_serv, $db_user, $db_pass ) or die ("Coudn't connect to [$db_serv]"); $resdb = mysql_select_db ( $db_name_gs, $res ) or die (mysql_error("Cannot connect to Game Server")); $resdb = mysql_select_db ( $db_name_ls, $res ) or die (mysql_error("Cannot connect to Login Server")); $resdb = mysql_select_db ( $db_name_cs, $res ) or die (mysql_error("Cannot connect to Community Server)); return $res; ?>
  14. I haven't try the Gracia Final yet, maybe its not included to that chronicle, btw, latest release is L2JServer High Five..
  15. important is, the animation... texture can be enhance :) make more photo much better video, and add credit :) ty for share!
  16. I think you need to check if the certain abnormal effect you gave is existed on the chronicle you have adopted... on topic. nice idea, thanks for share!
  17. I think with the latest L2J release, you can set the Game Server's Config, just search the line with AntiFeed something,, and change delay. or check the box.. something like that... I cannot be so specific because I don't have the server file right now.. but I'm sure there is a configuration with the anti feed something...
  18. you should see the error message from your Login Server console, or maybe your game server did not successfully connected to login server, btw. what chronicle is your server???
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