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  1. Played in there during beta and a bit after. But i dont see more good future for it. Dont like the mp system, the high mp regen system and all skills costing 300-500 mana is crap. And then are classes that can spam skills with no mana problems like having mana pots. If ncsoft had problems fixing the mana costs for some chronicles, how can this guys do it in a few days balanced? They cant. Nerfs with nonsence, like -20% p.def to tanks, nerfing and nerfing the most used classes. A LOT of bugs even from very old chronicles, plus wrong/op reuses, every class has 5+ bugued/nerfed skills. The server was good for a beta, the population it got from l2inc and other servers because they were promissed good stuff, but is not in beta anymore and i expected a lot more before they go live with so many bugs and things to do. The only good in the server is that rechargers, suporters and buffers can be played in a high rate, even summoner with custom stats can make some damage. Is not a starwars server and there are no infinite mana or mp pots(for some classes).
  2. Sounds nice , i will try it.
  3. Stupid and SO SIMPLE game. Wouldn`t pay for it.
  4. Tx Ghostaras. Its working in my server =D
  5. Tx will do good on my titan.
  6. Passive p.atk on Duals. +Pvp dmg on bow.
  7. Y its a shame.
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