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About prockislopas

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. Aoba = axe of battle art bop - bow of peril humu - humunculus sowrd con - club of natures sod = sword of damaskus gs - great sowrd sb = soul bow ss - soul seperator som - sword of miracles ds - dragon slayer tb - talllum blade dle - darck legion edge db - dragon bow as- angel slayer hd - heavens divider am - arcana mace fb - forgotten blade this is most used weapons names :) srry i didn't write blunts , fists because it is not very popular to call tem
  2. i liek low rates more when if you have b gr you are very cool :DDDD
  3. in low rates in c6 it this is good thing to make money: if there are lots of ppl in your server go to ivory tower or enchanter valley and pick up all the books. then go to giran and sell it to ppl. in x5 server i was 15lwl with 10kk :) and all it is in 2 hours. You just need to colect money to get till enchanted valley or ivory tower :)
  4. if it is low rates server i more prefer taking one weapon and just enchanting it if it is hight rates OR i have much money i enchant 5 weapons at the same time. With that style i enchant db+f +16 .(server enchant rate 30% :p )
  5. joi that side that always wint this is the best choise :) if you lose then try to use clarity i used it in l2j maybie it works on l2off too
  6. you can try that withour wyvern jus get near the colisieum gates and then buff. you can get ban for that but in helbound it works
  7. it is very usefull thing in low rate server :) i use it like bot but this thing is legal:) ty a lot
  8. cool thx very good thing :)
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