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SpoILeR ! Richest A**Hole In Whole LIneAge!
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nice topic , i was doing almost same in russian official i got 6 times banned , 1 time unban! Usually they dont unban noone!
for interlude 2.0.4
Hello everyone and i got something for you.First i want to say i created this topic cause i was doing spamming yesterday , cause i really needed this L2NET for L2INC ( I was doing searching on google all day , didint find anything exept topic in maxcheaters, also i tryed modify l2.ini to get connected with L2NET IG ,and i failed because , i change serveraddress in l2.ini and protocol and i still could connect to server , i was very nervous yesterday), well i was doing bad yesterday , so now im doing something good back!Its usefull topic , because many L2 players wants get a CLAN WEBSITE! or even server website ( I doubt about that ) I spammed here --> http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=115264.0 < -- Again please forgive me INTRO: Russians and only russians have created custom web designs for ucoz , and they got some pretty well designs , its easy to install , But you need ftp upload! 1.FTP client ( FileZillA ) 2.Create account on Ucoz 3.And thats it also you need smart thinking! Sites from ucoz you made , could look like this: I created my own little site where i translate russian sites to english , but i create 1 template 1 week ,cause i search for bugs , and also im doing cool stuff! here is my little site i just created : Other good template sites ( Choose your template and download it ): www.4ucoz.com www.tvoy.ucoz.ru www.o-ucoze.ru www.sg-clan.ucoz.ru/load/18 and many more use google search GOOGLE.RU sertanly for .ru! and type in -->ucoz шаблоны ( Copy & Paste ) Template is downloaded , extract and inside folder there are more many folders like here: as you can see some folders are in english and others on russian , use FTP client to upload ENGLISH folders ( English Letters ) to your ucoz website! Anyways now we go for russian letters folder , Example : FOLDER name Глобальный блог <-- its global Bloks translated! or Страница сайта <-- Site pages , same folders you can find on ucoz by going page editor --> Module design customisation! and up in corner on left you can find same folders ! If russian language is hard for you , change language on ucoz to russian , then the folders in ucoz will go russian letters , and now you open folder on ur computer ( Russian letters ) Example : Страница сайта (FOLDER) you see files with notepad! and same time go to ucoz Module design customisation ( changed to russian language for moment ) , use your eyes to find same named folder in ucoz! open it , DELETE all HTML --> go back to your computer copy the HTML code , and paste it to your website and SAVE IT , and voila , [glow=red,2,300]IF you want IT TO ENGLISH[/glow] You must know basics of HTML , If someone can do better tutorial please go on! it was very hard to create that , but i hope you understand! Any questions ?? if yes i will answer!
Well PHX is cheat , but macros and small utilities are not against L2 rules
I use em : 1.KrustyVonHacken <--- I made it out 2.lSeXl <--- If name is not taken 3.PawnNoobsLikeMe <--- I made it out 4.DeaDMaroZ <-- in russian it means , Dead santa! :D but DEDMAROZ its santaclaus! :D
Please update clean system files
ACP 2.0.4 (Gracia Update) Hp/CP/MP - Clicker ACP 2.0.5 (Gracia Part 2 Update) HP/CP/MP - Clicker
* Support LineageII of chronicles Interlude, Kamael, Hellbound, Gracia. * Supports simultaneously some the loaded clients. Setup: Extract all in one folder At the first start in parameters to load a configuration from a file default.ini Choose port Game of a server and to overload the program Run programm before run game client or before select game server 1.It was downloaded from l2control.stelife.com! So I don´t want to read that there is a virus! NO VIRUS! I tested it for 100 times. 2.Read how to use HERE! 3.If the older version of L2Control worked on your server, the new one will also work! If not, the new version also won´t work. [glow=red,2,300]Download[/glow]
I dont have so many posts , if you can help me , please send me clean system folder , maybe then i can do this ! This is what i do: Useing L2NET latest version! L2NET v378 1. L2FileEditor - to change L2.ini Servadress to : l2authd.lineage2.com -And i save it to same spot with protocol number 413 ! if i change it to 414 it gives me error files are corrupted! 2. My Hosts - localhost l2authd.lineage2.com l2authd.lineage2.com --> Ip of L2INC <-- 3.I showed L2.exe location in l2NET 4.Logon window --> i change nothing , cause server is Gracia Final --> Server Ip : POrt is same 2106 , and others i dont touch nothing , then i click LISTEN! 5.Then i click on Launch lineage , i launched! i log in everything works perfect UNTILL --> i choose server and i get small announc under panel of server INgame : your protocol is different please continiue! SO I NEED GET L2.INI EVEN NOT ENCRYPTED??? OR WHAT PLEASE HELP! 3.
Well i can login with L2net OGG , but i cant see char name ! can someone help me with L2NET IG it should work , but i dont know how to bypass protocol! i use file editor to change l2ini ip adress to localhost , and it says Protocol version is different please continue!
I said Its not Exploit , please read up! Dont be mad , But , You Should Read , Its Funny!
Warn-A-Brotha productions present... Starring: Zerrb as Zerrb - 16 Years OlD xBluntx as Miguel - 13 Years OlD Both L2 Players!!! Sorry guys , Its not exploit , but im sure you laugh 100% surely! Consider this as Msn Exploit , How to use msn If L2 server is Down! || Miguel || says: *lets invent a time machine Zerrb says: *what for || Miguel || says: *to go to the future Zerrb says: *and then? || Miguel || says: *OW AND I WANT TO GO TO THE PAST TO SEE THOSE STUPID ASS BIRDS NAMED DODOS Zerrb says: *LAWL *IF U WANNA SEE DODOS *THEN I WANNA SEE THOSE BINGO DOGS *AND THAT AUSTRALIAN TRIBE || Miguel || says: *jkust go to australia-.- Zerrb says: *ABORIGHINI OR SMTH *Dingos don't exist anymore *u nerd || Miguel || says: *i can find a dingo Zerrb says: *ye shur || Miguel || says: *but we could go to the future check the lotery numbers and BAM *RICH Zerrb says: *OMFG *LET'S DO TAHT *THAT || Miguel || says: *k first we need to res einstein Zerrb says: *k *and then res hitler || Miguel || says: *not hitler *he's first comander Zerrb says: *YES HITLER || Miguel || says: *what was the name Zerrb says: *Himmler? || Miguel || says: *THE CRAZY GUY Zerrb says: *Goering? || Miguel || says: *THAT *THAT Zerrb says: *;D || Miguel || says: *LETS RES THAT ONE Zerrb says: *Why not Hitler? *if we res hitler germany is going to kick ass || Miguel || says: *hitler is a feg Zerrb says: *Imma say *hitler *I rez'd you *you owe me now *10 euro *kk? *and he's gonna be like *WTF GERMANY HAS EURO? || Miguel || says: *JEW JEW Zerrb says: *WE NEED OUR DEUTSCHE MARK ABCK *BACK || Miguel || says: *and then we res a TREX to drop in bush and obama house *OMFG *that would be the shiz Zerrb says: *y but *before we rez and drop him *we equip him with lasers *all over his body *THAT IS THE SHIZ MY FRIEND || Miguel || says: *-.- Zerrb says: *what *Lasers pwn || Miguel || says: *where da fack are u going to get the lasers? Zerrb says: *From the future? || Miguel || says: *at least we give him some light sabers Zerrb says: *Lightsabers don't exist || Miguel || says: *they do in mah mind Zerrb says: *and a trex sucks as a jedi || Miguel || says: *therefore they exist Zerrb says: *he can't even grab it *with his 3 fingaz || Miguel || says: *he can put like 9999 on he's mouth u ass Zerrb says: *that's idiotic || Miguel || says: *and jedi style everyone *PEW PEW PEW Zerrb says: *WHY WOULD HE PUT LIGHTSABERS IN HIS MOUTH? *btw lightsabers dont go PEW PEW *Blaster rifles do || Miguel || says: *THEY DO Zerrb says: *NO || Miguel || says: *IN MY MIND Zerrb says: *lightsabers go WOOOOOOOOOSH *WOOOM *WOOOM *WOOOOOOOOOOOSH || Miguel || says: *omfg im loling hard Zerrb says: *Imma post this convo || Miguel || says: *OMFG AWESOME IDEA Zerrb says: *on relapse forum || Miguel || says: *WE CAN REZ DRACULA Zerrb says: *Dracula? || Miguel || says: *THEN WE CAN BE VAMPIRES Zerrb says: *Dracula also didn't exist || Miguel || says: *SHADAP Zerrb says: *ur mom *wait *that didn't make sense *FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU || Miguel || says: *-.-
Goddamnit i cant see it , im already member here for lONG LONG TIME!
Skill enchant up to +30, adding other classes skills
-Cm3X- replied to iambored's topic in Hacks & Cheats [English]