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About maze

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  1. Trusted and honest. Recommended. Very fast.
  2. I can vouch for this person.
  3. If you're checking the comments please ignore the trash talk. Let me tell you what to expect from someone that played the last interlude season: It's fucking crazy fun. It's one of the best experiences I've ever had in L2 since C1. Trust me, give it a go, you'll have fun.
  4. Trusted, very straightforward and honest. Recommended
  5. all ok + nice guy too.
  6. Sold yesterday actually, sorry.
  7. Trusted dude, very friendly and had no problems to show proof that he had what I wanted :)
  8. Another guy scammed by the same dude: http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/201056-rpgclub-x7-charsadenaitems/?p=2548784
  9. From this thread: http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/201056-rpgclub-x7-charsadenaitems/ I believe the OP and a user going by prokalay to be the same guy, backing up his own account as a trusted guy. 30€ worth of adena that he never delivered, screens below in the imgur album: http://imgur.com/a/oE9Zw
  10. Careful with this guy. Bought his supposedly 5.6bil for 30 euros and when it was time to deliver the adena he said he couldnt log in and his internet was being stupid. It's been 24h since and still nothing. I can provide mods with skype printscreens. Will obviously delete this if he ever delivers the adena.
  11. Hello, Does anyone have a Dominator script for Sel Mahum aoeing? Or at least something that does a similar thing that I could work on. Thanks
  12. Hello, 85 Noble Duelist with all pvp skills +15, Divine enchanter sub, cloak of flame, trigger haste, trigger celestial 80 Spectral Dance sub 75 Tyrant sub 6x Tank sub With secret word and email. Pm offers or pm for skype.
  13. Fast, trusted, no complications at all. Would do it again.
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